The Weight-Loss YouTuber Who Became Morbidly Obese | Only Sports And Health

Amberlynn Reid created her channel to document what was supposed to be an epic weight loss journey. Instead, the audience saw nothing but drama and catastrophe as Amberlynn Reid almost doubled her bodyweight. The “obese manipulator” hasn’t lost weight in the last 5 years, and as a result, she is berated by her audience endlessly. This video will cover the reasons amber receives hate and look into why she’s failed at losing weight for all these years.

This is, The Weight-Loss YouTuber Who Became Morbidly Obese.

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2

Also, the idea for this video was inspired by Primink who posted a video on a similar topic in May 2019 titled ” Amberlynn Reid: The Obese Manipulator ” You can watch their version here –

27 thoughts on “The Weight-Loss YouTuber Who Became Morbidly Obese | Only Sports And Health

  1. Jesus Christ will come back soon and we don't have much time to turn to Him. He died for all of our sins so that we can be
    forgiven. All we have to do is accept Him
    into our lives and trust Him wholeheartedly. Nobody but Jesus can
    save your soul. This might be your sign so
    turn to Him today. He loves you❤❤❤

  2. Repent and trust in Jesus. We all deserve Hell for our sins, such as lying lusting coveting and more. We can't save ourselves, but Jesus can save us. He died on the cross to save us for our sins and rose from the grave defeating death and Hell. You must put your faith in him only. He is the only way to Heaven. Repent and trust in Jesus.
    Romans 6:23
    John 3:16❤❤

  3. she is so narcissistic and thinks she’s the most popular girl out there… she has been sitting at 200k subscribers for YEARSSS sure she went up a bit but it’s never gone towards 300k or most people who has been doing youtube for that long is passed 1mill subscribers

  4. How can someone even eat that much like how you don't get full and how do you get hungry so fast it's crazy if i eat 2 or 3 pizzas I'm good for a few hours

  5. maybe it would of, been better, if she kept her personal issues private, and hired a P.T-coach for professional advice to reach proper weight-loss goals, instead of excuse, after excuse. Exercise boosts self-esteem if done correctly and practiced 3 days a week or everyday in moderation, just saying, and proper education in nutrition to.

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