The TRUTH About Larry Birds Family! | Only Sports And Health

The TRUTH About Larry Birds Family!

The Family Of Larry Bird is a complicated and twisted one from losing his father in high school to Larry denying and ignoring his own biological daughter for years! 🔴 You may also enjoy: Inside Michael Jordan’s Family! [Wife(s), Kids, Parents] ▶️

Inspired by Inside Michael Jordan’s Family! [Wife(s), Kids, Parents]

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#larrybird #bostonceltics

37 thoughts on “The TRUTH About Larry Birds Family! | Only Sports And Health

  1. Its difficult to truly know the details. But it does appear that Bird has committed an abortion of sorts. Possibly he has blamed the innocent and wanted nothing to do with the mother? It certainly would be a far greater story if he was for available and compassionate towards his biological daughter.

  2. Absolutely sad, disappointing, and disrespectful to dishonor, and disown your flesh and blood!! These bone heads have unprotected sex, and think that they don’t have to take ownership!!

  3. Doing some research, Corrie Bird is a wonderful person in spite of her father. What sort of man denies a child is his—even after a paternity test says otherwise—and snubs her, not even taking the time to write back to her even though she continued to attempt contact?! Steve Jobs, is that you?! What sort of woman doesn’t mind marrying and either giving birth to or adopting MORE children with such a speciman?! I’m leaving this thread now to go do something more useful, like 🤮

  4. Larry Bird is a POS . No amount of fame can erase family failure….his adopted son does him proud . Corrie is lucky for a wonderful mother….her father is a real piece of work.

  5. Re: 7:027:15 ("Terroristic threats").
    That's a great example of a type of subliminal psychological manipulation that instills fear, hostility
    and despise of POC (Some pundits mistakenly believe those attitudes are caused by innate white

    This type of subliminal psychological manipulation is all-pervasive in American media (which is
    broadcasts all around the world).

    Is it any wonder that Americans are divided along racial lines?

  6. Can anyone tell me if Larry Bird's father ever worked for Tenneco oil company around 1964?? Or what elementary school Larry Bird went to in 1964 0r 1965

  7. My uncle went to indiana state with his daughter, her actually and I remember my uncle told me a story when he was in class and his professor was a huge Larry bird fan with Larry posters all over the classroom and all of a sudden a girl starts crying and says Larry bird is my dad and he was a terrible dad because he never talked to me and my mom had to work three jobs to send me here. Apparently allegedly Larry birds woman he had that daughter with didn’t want Larry soon after so Larry basically said if you leave me i won’t take care of you or our daughter.

  8. Why on earth would his first wife go on Oprah and talk about their private business? To me that is hurting her own daughter right then and there. Just keep it private. Either talk to your former spouse in person or via a lawyer(s). But to go on TV. Why? What was the purpose? Am I missing something?
    Oh, Bird is still my all time favorite NBA player!

  9. i have always sort of felt that he does not want to have anything to do with the ex…their marriage divorce , reconciliation has always seemed odd….it does kind of feel like a baby trap situation ……sometimes it is better to have one good parent than being in the middle of to two toxic parents

  10. Listening to Larry I believe he could be mixed up with witchcraft or the seed of satan without a soul from God and a devil control the human body from within. Revealed to pastor Elvi Zapata who saw and spoke too LeBron James who is of the seed of satan. Read genesis chapter three.

  11. Who cares m? Its not your life, why are you trying to expose someone elses life (if uts even true) you think your any better? No one is perfect we are all sinners and everyone has skeletons in there closet weather physical or in the mind, even you, so shut the fu*k with your bullsh*t

  12. Sad part is, had his biological daughter had him to help her. She probably could have become a very good basketball player herself. She was tall and athletic and had a love for the game. She still followed her dad even tho he gave her the cold shoulder. Its sad that two kids who have no biological significance to him. Got to experience something his own flesh and blood couldnt. Even tho she had tried! This is sad, and i regret looking into Larry Bird beyond the court…

  13. You can be a poor husband but there is no excuse for not being a good Dad….Bird had access to the best attorneys, agents and financial advisors. The Celtics organization would have given him any support he needed. There is no excuse.

  14. Larry said he knows the truth, sounds like mother put Larry down after he became famous. Like she shouldn't have left him. Larry is not that kind of man. My opinion, I like him.

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