Shane Rose breaks femur in ‘nasty fall’, putting Paris Olympic equestrian dream in danger | Only Sports And Health


Triple Olympic medallist Shane Rose is in danger of missing the Paris Olympic Games after a heavy fall from his horse put him in intensive care.

The 50-year-old team eventer was rushed to hospital after a tumble from his horse Virgil during a cross-country session on Thursday.

He all but secured qualification for the Olympics by winning an event in New Zealand last weekend, with his team breaking the news of his accident on social media.

“As the saying goes, peacock one day, feather duster the next!” a Facebook post read.

“After a fantastic week in New Zealand, (where) Shane and Virgil secured their Olympic qualifications, this week Shane was bought back down to earth literally.

“During a cross country schooling session yesterday Shane suffered a nasty fall. Thankfully, his horse was not injured in the fall.

“Shane is currently in ICU with a badly broken femur and a fractured pelvis and ribs. He also suffered a heavy concussion.”

The post said Rose had surgery to stabilise the fractures.

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