Refeeds & Diet Breaks: The Most Misunderstood Fat Loss Tools | Only Sports And Health

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In this video I’m covering refeeds, diet breaks, cheat meals and cheat days. Using an example from The Rock and his epic cheat meals, I dive into the research around using high carb refeeds and diet breaks for fat loss, metabolism, muscle retention and more.



Comparing Weight Loss Rates:

Overfeeding Effects on Metabolism:

Refeeding Effects on Glycogen:

First Bodybuilding Refeed Study:

Diet Break Research:

MASS Video:
Volume 5, Issue 4: “Video: An Update on Intermittent Energy Restriction”
Subscribe to MASS through my affiliate link here:

Bankrupt Beats:

Pandaraps, Guustavv – More Scrubs (Instrumental)

Filmed by Stephanie Buttermore and me!
Edited by me using Final Cut Pro!


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About me: I’m a Canadian natural pro bodybuilder and internationally-qualified powerlifter with a BSc in biochemistry/chemistry and a passion for science. I’ve been training for 12 years drug-free. I’m 5’5 and fluctuate between 160 lbs (lean) and 180 lbs (bulked).


Disclaimers: Jeff Nippard is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Jeff Nippard will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

38 thoughts on “Refeeds & Diet Breaks: The Most Misunderstood Fat Loss Tools | Only Sports And Health

  1. So I have a problem with my weightloss. Maybe some of you could help me to understand it. I am in a caloric deficit of 1200 kcal. The 200 extra deficit is for errors in counting the food. With a bodyweight of 90kg @ 17,3 %bf. So the caloric deficit is about 7k per week and should result in a fat los of 1kg per week. This worked great for a week. I lost 100-200 grams of fat per day until week 2. Now the fat doesn‘t change any more. I weigh my self with a bodyfatscale with handles. Every morning, after using the bathroom at the same time. Macros are about 160g protein out of lean beef and chicken. For me it doesn‘t make sense that the fat stays the same an I loose fat free mass. Even when I loose muscle I also should loose fat or not?

  2. Our ancestors before farming was even a thought never had cheat days. They were shredded and could all run 20+ miles a day. They ate meat, veggies and fruit. Maybe some nuts once in awhile if they found them. Meat, veggies and fruit is what we all evolved eating over millions of years. Humans have only been eating grain for 10,000 years or so and processed foods for 50 years. Just eat how our ancestors ate and you'll lose 10-40 pounds a month.

  3. Pretty convinced that all these “nattys” think that just bc they only pop an anavar or a few Dbols before their workouts that they are natural

  4. I do have a cheat meal, more like a treat meal since I worked for it all week. The sad thing is I still don't really cheat 😭 I'm still under my daily calories, and if I can offset the entree with some healthier sides, my weekly deficit keeps me on track with my fat loss goals. Any other day, I love Chipotle, but can make it healthier at home and with some healthier swaps like cilantro lime cauliflower rice, you eat more with less calories and you're fuller longer.

  5. Me with 3k daily calorie intake: *mike wazowski meme*
    This video was so good btw, my brain is farting right now for some reason I can't pinpoint the good quality but in general it was so well made, objective, science based, and the presentation is so good too, I haven't seen your channel before but you're really good at this

  6. When I first started I crash dieted like a silly person, not knowing what I was doing so my progress stalled out(made me tired, irritable, felt weaker) so I took 2 months to restabilize, now I'm loosing weight again without feeling like crap at a much smaller deficit.

  7. You man what happened to your left leg below the knee.
    Where is it?
    Theres seems to be a white sock on a very skinny apendige attached to the knee.
    What happened?
    You look like a soldier.
    What happened?
    Its in the shot.

  8. People should see what wrestlers eat to cut weight 😂 we have to do it so many times a year so quickly that there is no leaning out process they just drop down super fast and eat like shit a lot of times afterwards

  9. This has not been my experience at all. How are these studies measuring metabolic rate? I've just wasted half a year of training doing a slow diet, and it was a massive waste of time. Cuts should be short and fast.

  10. Very late to this incredible piece. I have been working with athletes for years mostly in ultra-trail marathoning. An essential feature of the latest studies on these tools for recomposition that fascinate me but also trouble me is this: continuous and discontinuous dieting are categorically different. One implies the application of time-based manipulations, the other does not. When we include the element of Time Limits in avenues of research that attempt to illustrate objective mental and physical traits, we are "spiking" those traits, so to speak. Time-limit or time-organized dieting produces categorically distinct psychological, hormonal, physical assets that are melodically distinct to a static protocol. While we may attempt to compare one to the other for decades to come, are we driving the stake into the proper soil? It seems The likelihood seems high that such efforts are a big game of research-duck-duck-goose; attempting to configure how much citrus is in an apple, and how much crispness is in an orange. While it seems very intuitive to compare the two in the same breath, the supernova that is [brain-muscle + time-organization] element is implied to be an equal asset to an ad infinitum mindset. If you could somehow keep all subjects completely unaware of the future, even after switching the test group to refeeds and back—damn that would be fascinating, and perhaps not entirely impossible? 

    Question: if we are sustaining a performance that is holistically challenging, are we more or less likely to preserve our quality of adherence longer if we know when a scheduled break begins and when the discomfort ends, or, when WE KNOW it will continue inalterably? And outside of fat loss as an indicator of health improvement, what are the distinct "health cascades" that these two mindsets catalyze in other systems of the body that we can define as "healthy"?

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