Rays’ Arozarena celebrates home run, signs autographs for fans in dugout | Only Sports And Health


ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Randy Arozarena’s entertaining celebration of his first home run of the season didn’t end with his signature crossed-arms pose.

The All-Star outfielder and fan favorite returned to the dugout and obliged a couple of fans by signing autographs after they managed to slip a ball and cap to him after his solo shot gave the Tampa Bay Rays a 2-0 lead over Toronto in the fifth inning Saturday.

The Rays went on to win 5-1, with Arozarena scoring three runs and finishing 2-for-3 with a walk and two stolen bases.

“It makes me happy to be able to sign autographs for the kids because you never know, it could be their dream and they can identify with me there,” the Rays star said through a translator. “Hopefully one day they can make it to the major leagues as well and do the same.”

Arozarena carried his bat nearly halfway up the first base line before breaking into a sprint. He spiced up the trip, hopping on third base and pausing to strike a crossed-arms pose before heading home. He was congratulated by teammate Isaac Paredes after crossing the plate, then struck the pose again for the cheering crowd of 18,905.

Arozarena was a first-time All-Star last season, helping the Rays reached the playoffs for the fifth straight year.


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