48 thoughts on “Race Highlights | 2024 Bahrain Grand Prix | Only Sports And Health

  1. Can't help but remember how much better Crofty was compared to this commentator. Where are my beloved kuraun, coultard, Brundle, even Jeson Button is better than this guy. Sorry, not sorry.

  2. Honestly this sport has become a farce. 2021 was disgustingly fixed! The change in regulations from 2022 which was supposed to guarantee more competitive races and greater chances of victory for all teams was a complete joke. I don't know what's attractive about seeing one team win 23 out of 24 races and one driver win 20 grand prix. And nothing personal about Verstappen, but I would like to see him at least once being able to race against a real rival and win. In 2021 he lost to Hamilton, his victory was completely rigged, in 2022 and 2023 he basically had no opponent and there are great drivers on the grid, even from his generation. I'm sick of this narrative that pushes Max’s dominance! I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  3. Genuine question: did you guys hate on Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton this much, or call the sport boring when they were on their championship streak? I'm a new fan

  4. "Si se humillare mi pueblo, sobre el cual mi nombre es invocado, y oraren, y buscaren mi rostro, y se convirtieren de sus malos caminos; entonces yo oiré desde los cielos, y perdonaré sus pecados, y sanaré su tierra."

    Dile a Jesús en voz alta: Jesús, confieso que soy pecador. Yo creo que tú eres el hijo de Dios y que tú derramaste tu preciosa sangre en la cruz por mí. Perdona mis pecados. Limpia mi corazón de toda iniquidad. Te doy gracias por salvarme ahora. Amén.

    Lee la Biblia y ora a diario. Congrégate cada semana en una iglesia que predique la Palabra de Dios.
    Cristo viene pronto!

    Visita en todas las redes: Centro Mundial de Avivamiento

  5. People complaining about seeing true dominance across the board; maybe other teams should be better. Hardly the fault of RB and Max.

    Would love to see someone – anyone – take a serious swing at RB but until then, I'm going to enjoy seeing how far RB can push this run of form.

  6. I got into F1. When Verstapen was fighting Hamilton. It was exiting. Now I only watch the highlights. And I m bored even by them. The fall of f1 is truly bad.

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