48 thoughts on “Queen’s doctors are concerned for her health, palace says | Only Sports And Health

  1. I have always told my children you should only apologise for things you have done directly or through omission of action that have caused harm / offence to others . Saying sorry for other peoples actions that were committed before you were born just feels empty , what exactly would it provide , it's meaningless . An apology has the most meaning when done by the person who is directly responsible and offered as close in time to when the offending action or inaction was committed .


  2. in 2014 the New York Times wrote a story saying how terrified they were that the Nazis were taking over Ukraine and who is supporting Ukraine, the Democrats. What did the Nazis do to LGBTQ the Jews, Black people, brown people, anybody that didn’t have Aryan blood? The Democrats will do the same exact thing the Nazis did if they get control again, you uneducated idiots better snap out of it before it’s too late. Vote Republican and save yourselves😘

  3. You could tell something was not right because when she met the new PM Liz the Queen had a big bruise on her hand as if she had a cannula. Or maybe at some point she could have knocked her hand. But she now rest in pice god bless the Queen and god save the king she will be missed by Menny

  4. They were watching here die and did nothing to save her. Eg peripheral vascular disease would’ve required a blood transfusion. Her organs were beginning to fail because not enough oxygen enriched blood was reaching her heart and other vital organs. The back of her hands became mottled and began changing colour to bluish black, an indicator of oxygen deprivation to her vascular system. Explanations don’t matter much now that she is gone.

  5. And now, September 20, 2022, 12 days after her death, we still don’t know what it meant when we were repeatedly told the Queen had “episodic mobility issues” other than it was either impossible or extremely painful for her to walk and therefore used a wheelchair. But only in private where no photographs were taken, most surely at her request. It’s really not the most important thing for us, the public, to know, but perhaps one day the RF will feel comfortable enough to share what “episodic mobility issues” actually meant for the Queen. God bless her. May She Rest In Peace ❤

  6. The minute I saw this bulletin, I knew exactly what it was elaborate code for:

    "We believe Her Majesty is very close to passing away. She has been given medication to ease her pain, and we have called in her family members to say goodbye." (10/14/2022)

  7. 💐🌺🌸💞🌿💮🇻🇦✝️🇲🇬🏵💮🌿⛑🌻💞🌸💐🌺🦊🌺🌿💮🇻🇦💮🌿🏵🇲🇬🏵💐🌸💞💒💞🌸💐🇬🇧🦊🇬🇧🦁🥰💐🌿💮💞🌸💐🌺💞💮🌿🌸🙋‍♂️

  8. Around this time (7:30 A.M. EDT; 12:30 P.M. BST), the BBC News Channel began non-stop news coverage, which was simulcast on BBC-1.

    ITV began non-stop coverage (as far as i, here in the U.S., can determine) at 5 P.M. BST (12 Noon EDT).

  9. I keep coming back to these news announcements. I can’t believe Her Majesty the Queen is gone. Such a pure soul. A beautifully kind person. R.I.P. Queen Elizabeth II. May you live on in Heaven.

  10. Yep in love with the English. Country is ruled by the monarch not the primary minister. Not democratic. Racist. We in the US fought a revolt against this ( appointing the primary minister) ?????

  11. L'ultima foto della Queen Elisabetta è dolcissima. È così magra che sembra un uccellino. Ma fino all'ultimo è stata a compiere il Suo dovere di Monarca. Adesso tocca a Suo figlio, Re Carlo, e speriamo che risolvano presto questa situazione assurda e dolorosa x tutti loro. Auguri Re Carlo ❗❗

  12. I hate how there are so many hurtful comments, I would get it if it was Queen Victoria but Queen Elizabeth was the greatest monarch. She created funds, opened up hearts and made a promise to fight until the end to make sure that Britain was safe and that she would stand up to all her try to get passed her strength, kindness and warmth. Though people say she did nothing other than live a lavish and rich life, she was the first royal to pay income tax and fought in WW2 when she was 18. If anyone is going to blame the royal family for being racist and colonialists then your wrong. Yes we brits have colonised parts of the world but so has France, Portugal, Spain, Germany and later the USA and we the first to abolish slavery. So stop with the offensive comments about our heritage and our lifestyles.

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