35 thoughts on “Philippines’ HEALTH CARE Is Pretty Great | Only Sports And Health

  1. not only in the medical field, the good engineers, skilled workers are abroad…can't blame them looking for 'greener pastures'. hopefully there will be some kind of balance in the future, that these professionals get compensated fairly for their hard earned degrees and skills.

  2. I heard that one of the reasons why it is cheaper here by a heap is because suing medical malpractice here is not really popular or done. Still, the HCPs here are very good in comparison to 1st world countries (simply because much of the HCPs there are from here as well hahaha)

  3. well ofcourse it's Great FOR YOU because you come from a very rich country and people cant afford to go to the hospitals you talk about becuase theyre private and not public

  4. Hey dude you just saying the health care in the Philippines is cheaper because you're talking about the dollar to pesos but if you are a citezens of the Philippines is different story unless you are rich that's the realty man

  5. Well as a Filipino, the cost of the hospital here is not cheap for us . An average Filipino worker has a salary of 100$ – 300$ per month compared in the US. So it's kinda expensive.

  6. One thing that im proud to say about our filipino doctors is that they can diagnosed you and prescribe you proper medicines without looking at computers or books… Thats how professional and competent they are… 🥰🥰🥰

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your Chrone disease. But I'm glad your getting the care you need. And yes I agree with you that Doctors and moat esp nurses here are very caring. This is based on my own experience whether in a private or public hospital. I do hope and pray the same that they get the pay grade they deserve. Stay healthy and God bless you. ☺️❤️🙏

  8. As a foreigner from US or Europe, yes! Getting healthcare here is way cheaper and u will get the best service (not Technology) way better than any other countries, I a.m very sure OF that, but as Filipino living here, that is not always the case. Why? Your minimum wage per hour is even higher than our minimum wage per DAY, theres a lot to consider whenever comparing services and cost bet. Two countries !!

  9. Tip the doctors and nurses.
    You don't have to wait for them to force you to pay them more.
    Start a trend. Start an online campaign by creating memes to promote this.

  10. Medical Technologist are the silent heroes in the medical field they help the doctors in the diagnosis of illnesses that their patients are suffering they are vulnerable in the various infectious diseases like aids and mostly the covid-19 because they are doing the rt-pcr test to unmask the unseen enemies they are in the isolated room wearing ppes too within 8 hours or more they never complain they never post their work to be seen by many thats why they are not well known and recognized as medical frontliners they dont deserve to be left behind in the salary standadization

  11. Every country should emulate the UK and create their own NHS. If you have to pay upfront for your healthcare you are already disregarding the poor and that is a *failure*.

  12. Healthcare in the Philippines is good if you have money. But if you have a chronic illness, cancer, diabetes or other major disease, don’t expect much, you’d rather die than spend millions and leave your whole family broke.
    And yes, the doctors & nurses are really good & highly educated. Unfortunately, they are unpaid.

  13. Thank you Tom for being honest about our health care in the Philippines and yes we have the best nurses and doctors in the Philippines but salary sucks really bad agree but hopefully the government we’ll take care of our frontliners and I know that President duterte it’s doing hes best to make the Philippines better so let’s cross finger to hopefully the economy rised up this coming 2022 thanks again for the feedback that’s good to know that they take care of you very well

  14. You made the most pertinent point at 00:58. You have the money for it. You’re also… you. There’s a cultural shield you get for being white, especially in the hospitals. Everyone is on their best behavior when you walk in the room. Anyone who may have any sort of potential communication issue is shoved in the back room. And in Metro Manila, it sounds like you’re getting the most idyllic and skewed view of the Philippine healthcare system. I’m a medical student in Cebu. The picture is a lot less rosy.

  15. Yeah, worry about doctors and nurses leaving, how about thinking about the healthcare system for low-income citizens? There are a lot of good hospitals in the Philippines but they all just cater to the rich. Public hospitals have terrible healthcare, no modern equipment, equipment like a simple Xray is mostly ancient, Nurses are at times rude and didn't want their job while some are just OJT students, Doctors are really specialists in certain fields but rather just general medicine practitioners, surgeries are limited to simple procedures due to lack of equipment and professional expertise. In short healthcare in the PH is good only if you can pay a bulk of money for it, if you belong to the poverty sector then you have the right to get sick. They say "Health Is Wealth" thats true as only the Wealthy people have rights to good health.

  16. Self-insured means that you have financial reserves to cover medical expenses. Most expenses are reasonable in PI, and doing this is a reasonable plan for most situations. You need to be able to prove ability to pay to receive services and to pay off your bill to be discharged. You can carry a medical pre-paid card which proves to hospitals that you can cover expenses to the limit on the card. $1k USD may be enough for most things, and $5k will be better. However, some procedures are costly. I read that a Coronary Bypass is $18k, and Serious Stroke is $36k. Travel insurance is cheaper than most private insurance, and should cover these expenses. But travel insurance is a reimbursement program so you will need to be able to pay these upfront. Your budget and medical history will dictate what you do to prepare for such emergencies. Most expats will say you should connect with a good primary doctor, any specialists you anticipate needing. I would also try to connect with the billing department at your choice hospital to see what they would accept for payment for services, or proof of insurance. Carrying a balance at a PI bank or other arrangement may be sufficient. I would add that if you are in Manila or Cebu look up the ambulance services, and which hospitals they will take you to. Ambulances are just taxi services, and many do not have the equipment nor staff to provide life saving interventions while in transit. Their sirens do not part traffic so they are not great. But it's the best you have access to in an emergency. I also plan to have health screenings in Thailand as their health care system is much more robust that PI in general IMHO. Health insurance quotation site: https://www.pacificprime.com/compare-quotes/

    PhilHealth info for foreigners: https://www.philhealth.gov.ph/news/2017/expands_coverage.html

  17. haha funny watching an american review health care in literally any other country.. Dude you gotta understand, america has the absolute worst health care of any developed nation in teh world, and worst than many third world countries in certain cities/states even… So yea, if your decently wealthy american ,easy to pay for basics there.. But they also pretend ot have free healthcare, yet, in reality, I don't believe it covers much at all, and its not really free since you have to have a decent legally registered job there to get it, and well many millions of filipinos work for employes that aren't legally registered, because the registration fees are beyond there means.

    But yea i'm fairly biased being a canadian.. Our healthcare is rather legendary. Totally free for almost everything (if you've the time to wait a bit for slow hospitals). and if you got the cash and want faster service, we got that too, best of the best and fast.

    Far as them not getting paid enough.. Well it's a market the same as american, supply and demand. The Doctors charge whatever people can afford, and the people pay what they can to live. In american the demand is far higher due to far more disease, gunshot wounds, etc.. In philippines the demand is less and ofcourse the cash to pay for it is insanely less. The desire to not die is not any different, but the market has to work with what they have, and what they have is very little.

    Would be interesting to see the so called free health care of the philippines compared to any other free health care system. I'd gather that outside of emergency work almost nothing is covered, but I don't know for sure. Anyone know a video for that?

  18. First of all, I am happy to hear you are getting good treatment for your disease. I am really sorry you have to go through that.
    I agree with you that all these great nurses and doctors just move away and work abroad to make more money. The Phillipino people need these great people IN THE PHILLIPINES. It seems like an easy problem to fix by paying them more money in the Phillipines. Note how though that this is only a dream scenario for us people from other countries that can afford it. The Phillipino people do not have that kind of money but are no less valuable or important than any of us. Also note how you said all the best hospitals are in Manilla. It's is an archipelago with MANY other areas and people that need healthcare. I think the healthcare system in the Phillipines is atrocious from a humanist perspective.

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