38 thoughts on “Nintendo Switch Sports Review – Is It Worth It? | Only Sports And Health

  1. I’m so disappointed in this as someone with a girlfriend who loves this series it’s the only two games we ever play together and we played them for hundreds of hours probably last year lonely probably put a 50 hours in golf and basketball in archery and sports resort and I’m just so disappointed in this man I would’ve happily handed $60 for an upgraded version of Wii sports resort

  2. Too few sports
    Have to “pay to play” online to access any unlockables including pro mode
    Couple of the games aren’t fun
    Wonky controls including an unused joycon able to control you
    No mini challenges

    I give this game a 3/10

  3. This game is lots of fun, but I do not like the emojis, when other people use them it feels like they are bragging. For example yesterday someone was rude when we lost a volleyball game and used the 😖 emoji, like wtf is their problem? Idk this game would be so much better without them

  4. Kinda shocked this is all it is. They only included 6 games. Sure, you can say 7 with golf, but you judge a game on what it has not what it could be. Even with 7, that's just not enough, especially when HALF THE GAMES play so similarly – badminton, tennis, and volleyball are all variations of hit the ball over the net. And there's only like 3 alternate modes – obstacles bowling, elimination bowling, and shoot out soccer. So like 9 games to play.

    Wii Sports had 5 sports, all with very different playstyles, and 15 additional training mini games that were like half the fun. Not to mention it was bundled for free. Best tech demo ever. Plus medals in the training games.

    Resort had 12 base games, and counting different modes, some really being different games all-together like the air sports games, the total count is over 20, not counting single player vs multiplayer modes. It had different levels for some games like archery, different locations for activities for extra variety, and not to mention achievements (stamps). When Resort included a game from the original, it at least matched the original or improved upon it, like Bowling including the original's minigames and Golf adding maps.

    Contrast that with this one. When they have a previously included game, you don't get nearly as much content as the original. The sword game in Resort had this sweet Showdown mode with 10 stages, and Speedslice. Bowling had 3 alternate modes in the original Sports.

    I really do not understand why Nintendo half assed this one so much. Creating those extra game modes wouldn't even require much additional work. The tennis training games from the original could even use the same map for example. All in all this was an astoundingly lazy release. If you own Wii Sports and Resort, don't bother getting this because apart from graphics improvements and online capabilities, this is a straight downgrade. If they had literally just taken the games and alternate modes from Wii Sports, combined it with the best games and modes from Resort, added online to the games, remastered the graphics, and added customization, they would've had a 10/10. Instead you got 6 games, 3 of which are too similar, no achievements/stamps, and no real game settings customization. And a weak promise to include golf in 6 months. Nintendo really doesn't give a shit about its fans, only putting in the bare minimum effort and wringing every dollar it can out of its audience. What happened man…

  5. Nintendo way, minimal effort, Maximum profits. Complacency hurts Nintendos sales, each new gen they get complacent, struggle, complacent, struggle. Maximum Effort Nintendo!

  6. every time i click a NL review it's in hope that it's not going to be narrated by alex. but every time i find myself having to close the tab.

  7. Only thing I think they missed on is the use of the class mii style. A part of the originals mystic was watching the funny limited movement of the miis

  8. Nintendo has gotten soooo lazy with their games… mario amd sonic at the Olympic games felt more like a crappy demo, mario golf was empty. Mario tennis had like 4 courts to choose from… like it's getting bad for feeling bare and lack of content

  9. I have wanted to buy this and only intend on playing with my wife, daughter, and family friends, so it seems like it would be a good title to own for switch if used only in that capacity. Anyone have any thoughts about that? If someone already bought it for that purpose and isn’t happy or is happy, please let me know! Thank you.

  10. This can’t even be compared to wii sport , I hope people would vote with the wallet cause the more you support these half ass game, the more developer just gonna lesser , and lesser content in the future

  11. What makes me mad is in order to progress or play globally, you have to pay for a membership not to mention the lack of variety in the game. My hope is that they fix these issues and add more stuff so it can be more fun.

  12. I hope Nintendo not only adds more sports for this game besides golf such as boxing and maybe jogging but I also hope they give us the option to choose which kind of bowling alley we want to play on. I love playing on the traditional straight and simple alleys everyone loves, not the ones full of painful and cruel obstacles.

  13. Also keep in mind that Nintendo Switch Sports is remarkably cheaper than their other games in order to encourage sales and they need to profit off that somehow

  14. Luckily, at EB Games in Australia, you can get a Nintendo Switch Sports Peripheral Pack. It comes with x2 joy con racquets, x2 joy con golf clubs, x2 joy con swords, x2 joy con leg straps and x2 joy con wristbands.

  15. Honestly, this is such a freaking cash grab it's not even funny. Instead of making every game deep, engaging & full of content, they made them as basic as can be.

    If these games were good enough they could have had a whole slew of accessories for each game to make money off of, would have been a whole big thing just like Wii Sports was, but instead they decided to cash this one in to make a quick buck. It's so unlike Nintendo and VERY disappointing!

  16. I really feel it wasnt worth it. The sports feel as revolutionary as the wii was.
    The wii controller was bigger and more fit for the style they went with.
    Only these very basic mini games for the price they asked was not worth the money imo.

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