My Insane 17 Pound Weight Loss Journey | Only Sports And Health

In this weight loss update, I’m sharing with you how I’ve lost 17 pounds in the past 6 months! In this time, I’ve been using a few different strategies, including cooking my own food and walking. I think these strategies are working really well for me and I’m hopeful that they can help you lose weight as well!

Nutrition and Fitness Coach: IG – andrehabowsky

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44 thoughts on “My Insane 17 Pound Weight Loss Journey | Only Sports And Health

  1. I need to incorporate more steps.. I have no problem working out, cooking my own food.. I need to work on portion control and my steps.. I barely move during the day.. I’m frustrated because 10,000 is a bit much every day during the week but I am committed to doing whatever I can to work towards the goal. You look beyond great!! ❤❤

  2. Oh do you guys make fresh meals daily or meal prep? I don’t know why I think I need fresh meals daily 🥴🥴😂 and then get tired from cooking 😂

  3. Went for a 3 mile walk today and it felt so seamless, listened to a podcast the whole time so the time flew by! Thank you for reminding me that exercise doesn’t always have to be so vigorous and intense, it can be soft and light and still have the same benefits!

  4. For part two maybe you can make one or your favorite salads and/or meals? Do you meal prep? What do you eat when you are craving something sweet? Do you ever crave fast food or something super unhealthy? All questions you can answer in part ✌🏼🩷

  5. Wow i love what you said and it is so true and i know sugar and carb and salt are the delvil for me and i tend to snack just like you said on air popcorn and peanuts so my question is what do you do? Once i eat something sweet, after eating healthy for so long its so hard for me to get back on track and i get a nervous feeling like im going to start shaking were i need something to calm me down what would u suggest? Love your video.

  6. No matter what you choose, diet, exercise or meds. Weight loss is not easy. I recently shared my story on my channel, on how I lost 22 pounds in 5 weeks, which could be really helpful to anyone struggling with weight loss.

  7. Thank you for talking about moderation not working. I use to try the whole intuitive eating but it never worked. I had to cut out sugar (processed sugar not fruits and stuff like that) for 30 days to break my addiction. Now, every time I eat an item with processed sugar I feel a small headache and I start to feel sluggish immediately. I literally crave healthy foods and salads now because I learned that they make me feel great. The only way to break certain food addictions is to cut them out COMPLETELY. Once you go back you're going to realize how these foods make you feel like crap.

  8. First of all thank you Shayla you're finally back here. I've been waiting for you forever❤. I've seen your keto journey and how you loose weight and I'm always amazed and inspired by you. I want you to know that you're the reason of my weight loss before on your keto days but unfortunately I fell off the wagon and haven't been working out or deiting or better words I haven't been eating right.. but when I saw your video today it made me so happy and it's my wake up call! There is something about you that made me wanna do whatever u say so please keep spreading the good and inspirational videos because you're a truly great influencer! ❤❤ no.1 fan here keep it up and you and and Les looks amazing! #powercouple

  9. Peaceful Greetings, Sister You look GREAT and your husband looks like he use to when you both got together, but better. Stay Strong, This senior will start doing some walking. I just told one of my Sisters today(8-30-2023) to get off that sugar; it's a killer of life. I have been eating organic dates when that sweet tooth come out, I too pulled my Stevia out and using it. I need/want to live without pain, hospitals and all that come with a weak system.

    I am so happy and thankful I put your name in search. I have subscribe to your channel for many years now, I had stopped getting notifications yt. my husband got very sick so I have been caring for him for years, now that you are back I hope to be blessed to see you travel on your journey good health and happy marriage and continued success in business. Thank you for being yourself, and your father smile, I think I recall you sharing long ago that you have a lot of his ways and actions. Peace Love and the light of understanding.

  10. Thank you! I needed this. Been working with WAG for 6 months and haven’t seen the progress I want, and it’s because I’m not locked in staying faithful to my macros and I’m definitely not moving enough. This is just what I needed to inspire me to re-commit.

    Congratulations on seeing your hard work pay off.

    Would love to hear about your calories and macros for maintenance.

  11. Getting use to eating carbs again while staying in a calorie deficit and hitting my protein goal. Every weight loss plan I have done for the past 5 years has been “carbs is the devil” . That messed me up mentally AND the weight goes on soooooo fast if you slip up and start eating “normal “ again. I just need to eat balanced without demonising food. Processed foods and sugars has never been an issue & I enjoy cooking. But now I cook and I do eat complex carbs. It feels so much better. Let’s see how it goes I have 60lbs to lose. Lost 14 so far.

  12. Exercise is important but what you eat is the biggest factor. I eat keto OMAD+ ADF , so I only eat 4 big meals per week. I’ve lost 50lbs in 5 months, I’m a 60 yo woman. I do t eat snacks. Congratulations on your success.

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