How to Retain Muscle During Weight Loss | Only Sports And Health

00:00 Intro
00:17 Body Recomposition
02:14 Males vs Females
02:54 Nutrition
06:30 Resistance Training
08:06 Cardio
12:37 Practical Recommendations





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47 thoughts on “How to Retain Muscle During Weight Loss | Only Sports And Health

  1. Do you have any insight on how hiking fits into this? It gets my heart pumping but not to the same degree as gym cardio like the elliptical. It also forces me to use my muscles to propel my body uphill, and often makes my lower body muscles feel similar to how they do after resistance training. Is it cardio, resistance, both, or neither? If its cardio, is it low intensity or high intensity?

  2. I've been losing weight slowly, started lift weights + low intensity cardio, and have some factors in my favor (being female + young). It's only been a month so I can't say how well I'm doing with muscle retention, but the one thing I struggle with is getting enough protein. At 1.5g/kg, I'd have to get 112g of protein in under 1600 calories, and I struggle to get 50 (some days can get even lower). I wish there was a magic protein pill.

  3. During my entire primary school, I was overweight. I even skipped a road trip because my class was heading to the beach, and I felt too insecure to show my body, so I didn’t want to go. My teacher asked my parents why, and they explained that I didn’t wan

  4. I was once heavier, and my boyfriend left me for a girl with abs. It was a devastating experience that changed my perspective and wounded my heart deeply. The pain was unbearable, leading me to a decision to try Igrotum. Within a few weeks, my physique tr

  5. I was once heavier, and my boyfriend left me for a girl with abs. It was a devastating experience that changed my perspective and wounded my heart deeply. The pain was unbearable, leading me to a decision to try Igrotum. Within a few weeks, my physique tr

  6. Eating 2500-3000 calrories already feels like a part-time job and a chore. If you struggle gaining weight drop cardio. You'll have to eat even more than the impossible amount you have to reach each day naturally. Eggs, banana, whole milk, protein powder breakfast 400-500cals, big dinner chicken, rice, vegs, maybe 800-900 cals. Leaving you after 2 very filling meals a day at a requirement of +1000-1500 calories needed. I don't mean to sound like an A but I don't understand how people get obese. Just 2000 calories maintenance is difficult imo.

    Ofc no one is going to eat all their calories in bananas and eggs but just as an indicator/example to the extreme amounts you'd have to eat just to barely be in a surprlus. You'd have to eat like 15 eggs and 15 bananas just to strike even. EACH DAY. I'm currently taking chocolate milk /w mass gainer just to keep up with the calorie demand.

  7. Supplementing with Creatine has proven to be helpful in maintaining muscle mass as it causes muscles to retain water, thus keeping them fuller in appearance.
    Creatine is also inexpensive.

  8. Thank you for your informative video and excellent supporting citations.

    One thought ive read/watched material that says the body cant digest 30>grams of protein in a sitting?

    May i ask about body types , how the metabolism may differ ans the different body structure that requires specific variations to each Ecto Meso and Endo weight loas strength training reigieme

    As an short endomorph female i find my legs really hold onto weight. I cant run and only have power walking as cardio, i try do a home curcuit of bridges, russian twiats resist band leg extensions and arms as well as not eating between 8pm and 12noon but not seeinf any progress.

    Only time i really lost weight was by accidental cutting to one meal of 20g protein from a 100g portion of meat/ fish then two meals of vegetables and fast long distance running

  9. Great video. Please, add research to losing weight with HIGH calorie deficient like 1k plus a day deficit BUT they coming from cardio and more specifically low intensity, instead of lowering what you eat. Because low intensity cardio use mostly fat as fuel as opposite to glycogen. so would those high calorie deficit still be catabolic for the body? or would people be able to lose weight fast and still keep muscles that way? if you are burning mostly fat for fuel shouldn't your body leave your muscles be IF you have high body fat percentage?

  10. this 100% the best video on this topic you provide accurate data and sound logic without the extra annecdotal fluff you usually get from fitness influencers. thank you so much.

  11. 1 hour of cardio, is typically about 1000 calories, for me. I have found it to be PHENOMENALLY successful. But it is WAY more effective while also dieting. Literally 3x faster

  12. Training to basically failure, 10+ reps per set, with full range and perfect form/mind muscle connection, with only one minute rest time, while on a calorie deficit… yea good luck with that one. After 2 sets you wont have enough power to lift the bar. You need way more rest than that.

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