How to Create Your Carnivore Plate: Weight Loss vs Weight Gain vs Heal Hormones | Only Sports And Health

What does an 80/20 high fat carnivore meal plate look like? What to eat to gain weight on carnivore? What to eat to lose weight on carnivore?
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27 thoughts on “How to Create Your Carnivore Plate: Weight Loss vs Weight Gain vs Heal Hormones | Only Sports And Health

  1. I am interested in your one on one coaching but i live in Australia. I have Crohn's disease and have been eating mostly carnivore for about 2 months. My Crohn's symptoms are mostly gone, scalp psoriasis almost gone, dermatitis on my hands completely gone but i have gained weight when I'd like to lose.

  2. Excellent video. I am eating carnivore to lose weight. I have trouble with eating to much. These are great videos for those of us who are sold on the idea but struggling with implementing it. Thank you.

  3. I'm eating carnivore for 2 weeks. No Cheating at all. Eating 1 meal a day. Yesterday I ate 3 chicken thighs, skin on. Over night I GAINED one pound. WTF. How did this happen?

  4. My question is how do you eat the the protein/fat ratio if you want to loose wt. ,gain muscle and heal hormones at the same time?
    Im 61 yo and and about 6'1/ 6'2 in height
    Should I eat equal amounts of protein and fats?

  5. Load that plate with delicious fruits and vegetables along with some nice protein sources like chicken, pork and beef. No one EVER got fat or unhealthy eating fruits and vegetables. No one EVER! 😂ROAR😂

  6. I'm 5"3" and if I eat till I'm full I consume about 1400 cal. To gain wt and add muscle I have bumped that up to 2300 cal which for me is hard to do. I have gained about 9lbs in 2-3 months. I get 150 gm of protein and the rest in fat. I lift very heavy 4x/wk, do sprints 2-3x/wk and at least one long hike per week.

  7. As a newbie…this is the #1 MOST HELPFUL video I've seen to help me put things into perspective. I'm a very good cook, I just need to see examples of what to cook. Thank you for breaking down the calorie/protein/fat/carbs and why you did it…I can take that info and apply it to my own needs.

  8. Oh! Well this is helpful I just learned last year that I should be eating 1800. Not even MyFitnessPal says that. I think it has me at like 1500. I'm an older gal 4'11 who needs to loose weight and improve my fertility hormones, so I'm Baby New at Carnivore/Ketovore. I'm easing myself into it; it'll take me a while to be fully this lifestyle.

  9. Hello! I am new to this channel. Thank you so much for explaining many things in a simple way! Because I’ve been just one month on Carnívor, and reading so much stuff:
    macros, 80/20, OMD, etc and it’s rules and options, I got a bit overwhelmed. I wanted to lose weight (fat along my middle, I am 70 years old, 5’2” and very short waist with big chest frame). But I have been always nutrition and “healthy” conscious. I am happy that I have lost a lot of waist fat and in total today 4 kilos which is slightly more than 8 pounds. I was trying it (successfully) for a month but I will continue as long as my budget allows. I have had all the symptoms, palpitations, mild nausea, lethargy, less exercise (weight training) performance, but very little and very ocasional diarrea . Nothing serious. Still managing my mindset with the chocolate cake cravings I used to do with almond flour in my Paleo past life and other cravings like rice, potatoes, nuts. I still in doubt on your plate’ meal. When you say ounces of meat, are they raw, or after cooking? Thanks again and very much looking forward to your videos!

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