How I REALLY Lost 100 Pounds – My Story | Only Sports And Health

It’s hard to describe but this is how I lost 100 pounds.
There wasn’t a quick fix, it was a journey, lots of lessons learned. This is how I did it, all the things I changed to get to a healthier me.

2 years ago I started stating that I was going to be working on my health. I didn’t know what that meant at the time beyond that I knew I needed to change. I wanted to learn and teach myself, find new ways and be open minded but also give myself room to fail.

I’m still working on it. Not just my weight, but my over health health. Mental health, physical health… its all tied together!

I was nervous about releasing this as its so different from my norm. But just like running was different for me, or yoga was different, you don’t grow without experiencing something new so here we go!

More Stache:


31 thoughts on “How I REALLY Lost 100 Pounds – My Story | Only Sports And Health

  1. Acupuncture??? I never thought I would ever relate so much in one video. Getting married soon and I’m trying to lose weight but I’ve been having this acid reflux and doctors telling me it’s my diet and weight. Changed the diet and lost some weight but still getting it and the pills doesn’t help. After watching this incredible video I am now willing to give acupuncture a shot!

  2. Your journey is inspiring. People have different triggers, but for me controlling stress is a must. Yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and healthy fun activity. Thanks for the motivation.

  3. Great story and journey, man. Very happy for you. I've set a similar goal for myself, and at this point I'm halfway there. I quit alcohol half a year ago, bad eating habits, track my calories and do a lot of walking (10k+ steps a day) and focus on mental health. You'll see when it feels right, it can all fall into place. It's not about punishing yourself, but all about patience, self-love and consistency.

  4. I really dislike cooking and have no imagination when it comes to food. I eat because I'm bored or hungry. I eat out a lot. What I've done is just start ordering off the kids menu to control portion size. It's still junk food.

  5. Can we talk about the 8 week program couch to 5k? Its the first time I've heard of it. I too get winded very quickly with very few steps and really want to improve that. Any tops on how to start that?

  6. Gosh you're my age and my weight now (when this video was made)
    And I'm glad you found your happy place.

    Some people can go through life and never find happiness within themselves 🫂

  7. I never thought I'd find a diet plan that truly worked for me until I stumbled upon the Custom Keto Diet Plan. It's been a game-changer! No more boring meals or strict rules—I've been able to enjoy delicious food while still losing weight and feeling amazing. If you're tired of one-size-fits-all diets and want something tailored to your needs, give it a try. You won't regret it!

  8. This is the reason Youtube should exist. Thanks for sharing. We are very similar. I have always been bigger and have lost and gained several times. I needed this video for motivation. I am the same with the gym. I hate it and have joined at least 5 over the years. I did DDP yoga for over a year and had decent results but as usual I never fully committed and combined a healthy diet with it. The fact is you have to change your lifestyle and it's not easy. Hoping one day to achieve what you have. Also, it looks like you have a supportive spouse which always helps. Again, I really appreciate it.

  9. Thank you for sharing your journey. Congratulations on making all the small sustainable changes to live a healthier lifestyle. I've been watching your channel for a long time and I really appreciate this video.

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