How French Health Care Compares To The US System | Only Sports And Health

France’s health-care system, which is called “social security,” has been globally recognized for overall quality. In a 2000 report, the World Health Organization ranked it the best national health-care system in the world.

As Democrats push a government-funded health care and President Donald Trump campaigns on repealing Obamacare without a clear alternative, Health care has become a major focus of the 2020 elections. Many Americans are considering what kind of health care system they may want.

“Medicare for All” has become a mantra among the left-of-center Democrats, with most of their plans calling for a universal single-payer health-care system, closely modeled after Canada’s health-care system. But there’s another national health-care system that’s worth paying attention to: France’s.

***CLARIFICATION*** At 1:35 we make a comparison between the rate of rehospitalization between France and the United States. The difference is 5.3 percentage points lower, not 5.3% lower.

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23 thoughts on “How French Health Care Compares To The US System | Only Sports And Health

  1. i am seeing many people here who are studying in france. im from bangladesh. i want to study in france for 3d animation. i can carry all the taxes and payments. i just wanted to know if i must have to learn French language? i have only one year to take the chance. if someone knows about this, please give me some information or suggestions. i will be very grateful. thank you

  2. As French , I really don’t understand why in USA a pregnant woman have to pay for giving birth.
    Just to open legs.
    The guy say push push push
    You push, he take the baby and boom yo I have to pay for this ????
    If I was an American woman , I give birth at home with a nurse. Or alone in a warm bath .
    Usa is a rich rich rich country.
    So why why why at least , just giving birth can be free ?
    That’s really hurt me when is see this .
    American insurance are completely overpriced , and even with overpriced insurance , you still have to pay for giving birth ?
    So why pay an insurance in USA ?
    This is really illogic .
    Honestly , I am sure the American system insurance is just a big big big massive fraud .
    I hope the presidential government do control about where all the money of insurance goes…..
    Me in France I pay maybe 30 dollars each month for my insurance .
    I hope one day to see American peoples do a revolution for free healthcare.
    Free healthcare doesn’t mean nobody pay.
    All American who have a job , maybe 180 millions , every American with a job pay ( exemple ) just 1 dollar. Each month.
    And all the money go to one specific bank , health bank.
    So each month , 180 millions dollars in the bank .
    And when an American need a doctor or a woman to give birth, the money is taking in the health bank to pay doctor or hospital.
    Now, imagine if every American with a job pay like me , 30 dollars each month.
    30 x 180 millions = 5 400 000 000 EACH MONTHS on the health bank !!!!
    5 400 000 000 x 12 month / 1 year = 64 800 000 000.
    And with 64 800 000 000 every YEARS in the health bank , USA can’t provide free health for American citizens?????????????????????????????

  3. "Yes, they deserved to die, and I hope they burn in hell!" — Mark Hoffman, CEO of CNBC, when asked in June 2022 about Americans who died because they could not afford healthcare insurance. Current CEO K.C. Sullivan, when asked about what his predecessor said, replied, "Ditto. And let me say off the record…F**K 'em all."

  4. IF YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT AMERICA ADOPTING A SYSTEM LIKE FRANCE, where costs are reasonable, and even poor people get needed coverage, RELAX! It will never, I mean NEVER happen! NEVER!
    The insurance, pharmaceutical, and medical care lobbyists will ensure that!
    They have bother the Republicans AND Democrats under their thumb.
    By giving big "donations" (and by "donations", I mean bribe$) to our politicians campaigns, they know there politicians will write legislation in the favor or the industries. In fact, they even will let the insurance companies write the legislative bills!
    In other words, the insurance companies will write the law.

  5. French before the pandemic was great but now they are burnt out, staff shortage and my friend and was is in their University teaching hospital in Poitiers and was dangerous, short staffed and treated horrible. She was in danger. Iit is not an issue of payment link he we have in America but her GP who coordinated the needed surgery acted like it was no big deal when it was life threatening. Scary.

  6. Yeah I just got billed 700 bucks with insurance for a single visit that comprised of solely talking to people. No labs. No vital signs. Just talking. I was billed as though they were two separate visits because I talked to two different providers.

  7. What can the US learn? Americans are incapable of learning from the rest of the world because they live in a bubble where they think America is the greatest and best at everything and everyone else is either 'socialist' 'communist' 'fascist' or 'woke'. First, they need to get their heads out of the clouds and change their closed mindset before they can meaningfully change anything.

  8. All these bank crisis and recession are all the signs of 2008 market crash 2.0, so my question is do I still save in the US dollar or is it okay to move all emergency and savings to precious metals?.

  9. A few points forgotten, if you are an employee in France, your company has to provide you with the voluntary private insurance and will pay most of the costs. If you have a very serious disease (like cancer, there is an official list), you are 100% covered by the social security. The same if you are poor, the "voluntary private insurance" is provided by the social security and you don't pay at the point of contact.

  10. These are election issues. 🚨😎🚨It is sad we are side blocked by Trump non-sense, & Children sexuality. We are fighting the same fight over and over. We are leading our country to ROME!

  11. Look at scandinavia yes we pay a higher tax but we dont have to worry going to the ER doctor or hospital nooo bill No matter what or how long you are in care it is paid over the tax. LOVE FROM DENMARK

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