How Coronavirus Became a Global Pandemic | WSJ | Only Sports And Health

On Dec. 1, 2019, a patient in Wuhan, China, started showing symptoms of what doctors determined was a new coronavirus. Since then, the virus has spread to infect more than 100,000 people. Here’s how the virus grew to a global pandemic. Photo illustration: Carter McCall/WSJ

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33 thoughts on “How Coronavirus Became a Global Pandemic | WSJ | Only Sports And Health

  1. If you think you’re going to get any form of truth from the Zionists at the Wall Street Journal you’re too naive to occupy space. The corona virus was found frozen in the Tundra. Hey , let’s warm that up and bring it back to life. Brilliant. Oh, but it won’t affect humans. So after $290 million they built Gabe-of-function into it and then turned it loose on the world Common sense would say to make this an international crime against humanity and put every last scientist in prison for life. What insanity. !! Ps. Fauci walked out onto the speaking platform and stood there awkwardly for 15 seconds with one hand inside his jacket like napoleon. That I’d the secret of the second seal. He’s a murderer . It’s that simple

  2. The armpit effect is a form of ontogenic recognition, wherein an animal uses its own or another animal's physical characteristics for recognition purposes. Under this behavior model, an animal uses its own scent to distinguish between kin and non-kin.

  3. What is psychologically induced fear?

    Example: The freemasons own all of the news organizations. They had all of them talk about an invisible virus all day every day. Then they had there government official puppets force the entire globe to wear useless face mask that did nothing but restrict breathing. This caused the entire planet to fear a virus that never existed. This is how you use your wealth,power, and influence to psychologically place the entire planet in fear.

  4. I JUST got my first COVID+ diagnosis this past Monday 10/16/23 . I'd managed to elude it this WHOLE TIME! I spent the entirety of the Pandemic in California, isolated until Vaccinated in 2021. Fortunately, I remained COVID– for a VERY LONG time.

    I'm fully vaccinated, and have been in quarantine since Monday and I won't go out UNTIL I test COVID– again and can be in public masked 😷 up.

    I'm just glad I got it now, and not back during the scarier Pre-Vaccination Pandemic time when it was killing people SO MUCH FASTER. It STILL sucks to have it (don't get me wrong) but I'm just glad we know MUCH MORE about it now. And once again, being vaccinated makes a VERY HUGE difference. My system was able to fight off the high fever and all the other symptoms of COVID infection effectively, and it's because of being vaccinated.


  5. this timeline is bs … a significant number of family and friends here in canada were very very sick with the "flu" over christmas 2019, early january. then only later did the governments of the world call it corona . looking back i say we all had the corona, same symptoms as reported everywhere.

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