40 thoughts on “Horror Fights & Red Cards Moments in Football #8 | Only Sports And Health

  1. Fouls on city players it's like they've been sniped from a distance. They should sign for Hollywood not football or should be called drama queen's because they act like little queens

  2. All of these guys are so so soft. I like soccer but some of these are weak as piss, like seriously this happens 50 times per AFL match and no one pretends to have a wriggle around on the ground😂 I don't disagree that it is a red card because its a different sport, but they need to stop acting like their leg has just been cut off

  3. Referees should punish harshly simulation and drama. Sometimes a player is barely touched on the shoulder or chest, then he proceeds to collapse with his face buried between his hands twisting in "agony". Maybe he is covering his face to conceal the laughter.

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