Gravitas: The interview China tried to hide | Wuhan Coronavirus | Dr. Ai Fen | Only Sports And Health

Dr. Ai Fen is a doctor at the Wuhan Central Hospital.
She was perhaps among the first doctors to discover the Wuhan virus. After speaking out against the authorities, Dr. Ai Fen has gone missing. WION’s Palki Sharma brings you the Ai Fen revelations.

#Gravitas #WuhanCoronavirus #
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47 thoughts on “Gravitas: The interview China tried to hide | Wuhan Coronavirus | Dr. Ai Fen | Only Sports And Health

  1. I know India's probably have difficulties admitting it, but China was the only nation who actually took the danger serious and did everything to stop COVID. If the west had done the same, there would never have been a pandemic in the first place. Trying to blame them for it is simply absurd.


  3. I knew already about the lies and tried telling you to but nobody listens to me,so tell me how does it feel to be lied too? And then they found the supposed dead doctors and nurses on beaches else where instead of being in a grave that was full of sand bags and not them.

  4. Now vaccines and the governments are paying for them….. Could they have another disease ready…. Trust me they're not the only ones now ready…
    Let's toast with R.ed wine for peace 🍷… China military labs.

  5. Did you know that the Mark of the Beast has THREE (3) FORMS? People think it's just "a chip". Check out the three options listed in Revelation 13:17, which says, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, OR the name of the beast, OR the number of his name." MARK, NAME, OR NUMBER!!!!!!

  6. Anyone who thinks covid came from a lab is a wacko!

    We need to get this current administration out of government before our country is beyond repair. Could you all imagine if Trump was getting tens of millions from mostly anonymous Chinese/Ukrainian donors while he was in office? It shouldn't matter which side someone is on, we need people in power who have been properly vetted so we don't elect some foreign asset!

  7. She said in the interview that xi xing ping had this virus created to purposely release it onto the world. Meanwhile numbnuts Gavin Newsome has Chinese government officials coming to California where he takes care of the homeless problem in 3 days so china wouldn’t think he can’t take care of his own state as governor. Knowing what we know about the virus why is he facilitating this visit other than being a traitor who has been bought out

  8. WION, Covid bioterrorism Conspiracy in 202 was masterminded in the shadows by Federation of American Scientists (White Jewish Leadership, Republicans, Independents) and their Associates Worldwide. If Dr. Al Fen a Chinese Scientist who was working on bio-germs research work at Wuhan bio-Lab; is still alive. Let Authorities investigate her contacts with Federation of American Scientists, how much money Federation of American Scientists were paying her or other Researchers. Authorities will find LEADS in Covid bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2020 and let Trump and his Staff provide to Authorities laptops, computers activities, phone records, Meeting Logs, Gates videos etc about Covid briefing(s) they had at the White House in October 2019 and in November 2019 with Federation of American Scientists or their Associates; before Covid outbreak in Wuhan China animals wet-Market in 2020 (Media info. If those ITEMS are deleted or missing, there was a coverup in COVID BIOTERRORISM CONSPIRACY in 2020. Covid Pandemic have killed over 1 million US Citizens and over 6.42 million Worldwide Countries Citizens (Media info). Global Wuhan Covid-19 bioterrorism Conspiracy is most IMPORTANT TO BE INVESTIGATED IN DETAILS. Peter Navaro Trump's Trade Adviser said in KABC7 News; two weeks after Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China in 2020 saying "we had Coronavirus briefing at the White House in November 2019, we were scared to go to sleep at night after the briefing". The Briefer(s) should be Federation of American Scientists Agent(s) or their Associate(s). That means Peter Navaro, Trump etc who were in Coronavirus briefing at the White House in November 2019 before Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China in 2020; they should had knowledge in Covid-19 virus source and the Conspiracy; China is not the source of Covid-19 virus as Trump and his GOP Allies lied, that was a coverup. THE EVIDENCE MATERIALS of Covid Briefing at the White House in November 2019  are  Meeting Logs, phone contacts, email contacts, special links contacts, Gate videos etc); should be among Classified Documents or missing Classified Documents which FBIs seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago Home. Let Authorities investigate Trump's or his Staff's contacts with Federation of American Scientists or their Associates in October 2019, November 2019; the nature of emails they were exchanging etc. If Trump Administration could have relayed Covid fatal effects on humans info to Healthcare Workers, Doctors, US Scientists; they had received possibly at night time from the Covid Briefing at the White house in November 2019; many lives in Covid deaths in US and in Worldwide Countries could have been saved; by quick better Covid measures and vaccines on time. But Trump, his Staff and Allies chose to cover up; lied on China as the source of Covid-19 virus to create US/China War. China is a Victim like all other Countries Worldwide which have been affected with Covid pandemic.
             Global Wuhan Covid-19 bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2020 was masterminded in the shadows by Federation of American Scientists (White Jewish Leadership, Republicans, Independents) and their Associates Worldwide. The same bioterrorist-Criminals used similar tactics in the shadows without a trace masterminded Global Mexico H1N1 bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2009, Salmonella bacteria bioterrorism Conspiracy in two Iowa Farms in 2009, Liberia Africa Ebola bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2014 etc; they used US Security Clearances in travelling and transporting the biogerms to Countries affected. They should be investigated in details and be brought to JUSTICE like any other terrorist Criminals Worldwide. FBI Agency raiding Trump's Home on 08/22/22 were not politically weaponized by DOJ or President Biden's Administration, FBIs were seeking EVIDENCE for JUSTICE.

  9. Guys i knew this from the beginning. When trump had his trade war with China they did not like that. In the past they used to block all virus from getting out to appease the western powers. Once the war started thats when they unleashed it. What is crazy is how much of a pandoras box it really is it tells you something about how insane their leadership is.

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