‘Enormous medical scandal’: Leaked emails between transgender health doctors | Only Sports And Health

Sky News host Rita Panahi says there are “leaked emails” between doctors from a leading transgender healthcare body.

Ms Panahi said the emails reveal that the doctors knew transgender patients don’t always “understand the consequences” of gender reassignment surgery and treatment.

“They also admit that some patients have developed cancer as a result of their hormone treatment.

“The revelations stem from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health files.

“These revelations are so shocking … it’s an enormous medical scandal, and we have so many victims.”

24 thoughts on “‘Enormous medical scandal’: Leaked emails between transgender health doctors | Only Sports And Health

  1. The amount of money countries like America and Britain can get by defunding such institutions and putting it towards stuff like Cancer or Alzhimers Research could boost that by some millions

  2. It is starting to feel as though government and the medical professions number one goal is the reduction of the population. Eugenics never went away, it just got sneaky and learned to keep its mouth shut.

  3. Medical misadventure!??
    Try medical criminal conduct, that more accurately describes the LIVES RUINED BY this "medical misadventure".

    All the behavior towards this criminal conduct is treated as if …
    Talk talk talk is going to DO anything to protect the children,

    Any physician needs to face reality and if ya DO HARM face the consequences!!!

    Love your show, keep up the good work! You're impressive!

  4. Doctors nowadays collude to exploit patients – take the panic attack sufferer who rushes to hospital for instance – thinking s/he is having a heart attack. After a few of those the doctor who gets to see them refers them to the well connected specialist psychiatrist as well as the well connected heart specialist. Those two then begin to extract maximum benefit from the plight of the person who doesn't know how to handle his/her physical and mental situation. With the heart specialist moving all stops to see if there's a chance to insert a stent whilst the psychiatrist jumps on the drug pushing wagon.
    It takes an awakened patient to realize how s/he is being exploited – and take measures to get to the bottom of those panic attacks. Ethics be damned.

  5. The pale pink/pale blue flags are not transgender. That flag is for Ped O'Files or Minor Attracted Person (MAP). This is an attempt to normalize this perversion. Another area. Puberty Blockers are not reversible. In addition, because puberty blockers stop the normal development of genitalia there are issues with trans surgery. There is often not enough genital tissue to have surgical success.

  6. What I also see is the systematic dismantling of history. The removal of statues is only the beginning. In my view, all history should be remembered. Facts should be beyond politics and intervention. It happened, don't pretend it didn't or attempt to sugar coat it.

  7. And this same profession had the nerve to try and shame the mrna unwilling.

    Absolute crapshow, but now we're here it's time to follow through – time to build some new jails.

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