Coronavirus VIII: Prisons & Jails: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | Only Sports And Health

As US prisons and jails see an alarming spike in COVID-19 infections, John Oliver discusses why the virus has spread so rapidly behind bars and what we can do to stop it.

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25 thoughts on “Coronavirus VIII: Prisons & Jails: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | Only Sports And Health

  1. So I wonder what cook county prison actually did about the Corona virus… I also really wonder how Wisconsin handled it because I know the head of the D.O.C of Wisconsin….he's an asshole btw, but I wonder….oh I also don't know Mr. Pamos from being in prison. I'm just tryna date/bang his daughter. WISH ME LUCK! 😀

  2. I was incarcerated for a bit over three months in 2022, in a county jail. I was in a single room with 25 other guys, and it was dark. When tests came around, anyone with even the sniffles would try their damndest to fake taking it, or rub disinfectant in their nose to try to test negative, because the alternative was 23.5hour/day isolation, half hour for calls and showers. Nobody was dying of covid in my tank, any of the ones I was in, but we were doing all that, sometimes with senior citizens in with us, because solitary is hell. Nobody on the outside cared about how we were scared, and we tried not to talk about it, but we all kinda were. Not even so much of the virus itself, but of getting put in isolation for two+ weeks, or until they could be bothered to take us out. one guy was there for a month, and he wasn’t quite the same after that. That isolation destroys people

  3. 9:15 been watching John's show since it aired and this is the first time Ive found something plain wrong. Theres no proof of Balloon Boy having been a hoax, and the evidence points more towards CSPD wanting to shut the case as quick as possible

  4. If the prison’s were really an isolated population then how did the virus get there in the first place? If they were isolated enough for the virus to not get out it wouldn’t have gotten in there in the first place.

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