Coronavirus III: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | Only Sports And Health

As the coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, John Oliver discusses President Trump’s inconsistent response to the pandemic, including his suggestion of an Easter deadline for sending America back to work, and his reluctance to use the Defense Production Act.

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22 thoughts on “Coronavirus III: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) | Only Sports And Health

  1. Going back and watching this in March 2023, turns out Trump was right again. As were the other conservative pundits John criticized in this video. We all should have been more concerned about the impact of lockdowns on our society and what that would do to people's livelihoods. The CDC knew lockdowns didn't work before this pandemic even happened and they still pushed for this. COVID ripped through the U.S. for nearly two years following this video. That had nothing to do with Trump. Trump was rightly concerned with how this pandemic would impact the November elections. The economy prior to March 2020 was fantastic with low interest rates, low unemployment, stock market at an all-time high. And then the democrats used this pandemic to make the argument that the economy was never strong. They actually blamed Trump for the high unemployment while Trump was the one advocating for re-opening the economy and letting people work again.

  2. I’m was requisitioned by the DPA to work on PPP loans back in June 2020 – for another company no less. It was wild – I had to go from a day time job as a financial analyst to a 10pm to 6am shift on a whole new company’s online system doing a job no one could figure out a straight answer to.

  3. 3.5 years on and we've lost so many people. 1.2mil in the US alone. I used to watch the death tolls with hope for it to stop climbing. Now, the death serves as a reminder of how little people care

  4. Trump can be compared to a big mouth billy bass (mostly by the name) but also it sits there and does nothing until you press a button and it just says the same stuff.

  5. Rewatching this in 2024, flashing back to pandemic healthcare and having to wear old masks until they were literally falling apart because we couldn't get any, then being extremely excited to find out we were one of the offices getting PPE from the state because it meant we actually had supplies for once

  6. My mother was in the end stages of lung cancer when COVID was in its height. No hospital would take her cause they had more patients than they knew what to do with and then we were told that no nursing homes would take her either for the safety of the residents already there. The only option we were given was Hospice. To this day I still feel like we were told to put her to sleep like the veterinarians
    do when an animal gets to that point. I felt completely let down by the system.

  7. Looking back 4 years and 1.1 million deaths later, this is a testimony how badly the handling was in the US. I guess first world country people have different considerations when looking at their lives.

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