Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Tuesday, April 9, 2024 | Only Sports And Health


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Borrowed money

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Re: PM’s carbon tax defence is incoherent, editorial, April 2

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Seems to me that if Justin Trudeau cancelled the carbon tax and, as Steve Ambler (University of Quebec) states, eliminated the hodgepodge of rules, regulations, controls and taxes that are harming the efficiency and competitiveness of the Canadian economy, Canadians could afford to feed their own children. We would not need a national school food program and the government wouldn’t have to increase the national debt by yet another $1 billion.

Canadians need to remember that every new government-funded program that the Liberals dream up requires more borrowed money, which further increases our national debt, which in turn increases the “interest payments” required to service that debt, which in turn increases the “tax burden” that you must shoulder.

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Betty-Anne Tremblay

(The Liberals have treated our pockets as bottomless.)

What a disgrace

Re: During training in Ottawa, soldiers relied on donated food due to lack of military support, online, April 2

The national news story of Canadian soldiers in Ottawa having to depend on food donations to eat was a disgrace. We get this news while Justin Trudeau hand outs money in his “Let’s Make a Deal” pre-budget bribe tour.

I’m sure Canadians would have preferred the millions Trudeau wasted on ArriveCan being better spent on our Canadian soldiers.

What is this dysfunctional Liberal government thinking? At a time when the Canadian Armed Forces can’t recruit enough people to meet minimum standards to defend Canada, is Trudeau launching the national marketing recruitment strategy of “Join the Canadian Armed Forces and Starve”?

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Chris Robertson

(Absolutely horrible.)

He just doesn’t care

In the run-up to the last two federal elections, Trudeau spent huge sums of money buying voters with their own tax dollars … and it worked! Now, after his mass immigration created a major housing shortage, causing his poll numbers to end up in the dumpster, Trudeau is returning to that formula. Trudeau should have thought about the affordable housing crisis before adding several million newcomers.

Trudeau already gave out billions for a school food program and daycare. Having already pushed the national debt over $1 trillion, Trudeau really does not care what fiscal mess he leaves for his successor. He is the most fiscally irresponsible leader since his father.

Larry Comeau

(Truly an unacceptable situation.)

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