Biden and Trump address health care for American families | Only Sports And Health

Joe Biden said he will pass Obamacare with a public option. “It’ll become Bidencare,” he said as President Donald Trump accused him of wanting “socialized medicine.”

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50 thoughts on “Biden and Trump address health care for American families | Only Sports And Health

  1. No he wants to eliminate Obamacare. That's the reason why he's trying to push the Supreme Court Justice through the Senate that's why oh and if we need any trouble at the end of the bait he wants an Al Gore Bush type thing but are is a lot better than theirs were all the ballots are going to be counted correctly we have a lot better system than they had back with all Gore and George Bush

  2. Trump has never been racist. Bidens are corrupt AF like Bush, Obama, Clinton families.
    If you voted for Biden/Harris/Dems & changed your mind after this debate & no 2nd Stimulus check because of Pelosi & Dems contact your city CLERK'S office. SPOIL YOUR BALLOT (cancel). Request a new Mail In Ballot or cast vote in person after spoiling ballot official. Track your ballots at your websites. YW!!!

  3. Biden was part of an administration that caused insurance rates to SKYROCKET for middle class families! Now he says he's going to lower our health care costs, without giving any specifics? Why should we trust him at all on the issue of health care? BIDEN DOESN'T HAVE A PLAN!

  4. Yes, I understand you. But remember, God did not create everyone with the same strength! One's maybe able to work 70 to a 100 hrs a week but another may not been wired that way or for that purpose or task. No one is asking for handout, sometimes we just needs to have our eyes open to be able to see those that are broken, damaged & for what causes or purpose they maybe in that states & be able to have a willingness heart to help bring answers & made things possible for everyone, after all can we take all these stuff's with us to the grave after collecting them? We might as well spend it on the living. We all will have to meet again in front of the creator One who is the maker of all these soul's, we're all made for each other and we're ought to protect, & help one another while we're, they're alive but no, we don't do so, because we preferred to have them died by many horrible conditions that "WE" have created ourselves so that we can have access and availabilities that we may stored up and gorged up all to ourselves, "forgotten" that we will die and our lives will be inquired of us also… One way or another, we will not be able to dragged all that we've been stored, indulged, gorged up with us, we will have to face the maker of all Being that created live and gives life for us to learn to support the weak ones, and yes. I understand there's some that pretend to be weak so they can take the advantage of what was made to be available for those that are weak! But the number of those that's taking the advantage is very minimum than those who are truly weak. The reality is that, we do have those who are weaker amongst us, we cannot shot down our doors or made false claims of the realities that's "right" on front of us, so we may have a hook to come up with excuses of the reasons why we won't help those who seems to be in need, but the reality is that, those are in our own Land, on the Earth and the best that is required of us is to have an open eyes, for when we see them or heard of them, for us not to have a closed mindsets or harding heart's regarding them but for us to, instead, do everything in our power as "the people" to end extortion, greediness that can cause, plagues, diseases & famines upon the Earth below & later we blame God when it is us that's causing these things upon ourselves, we're the caused of them, when we shut our mouths & closes our hands & do nothing and said NOTHING but we instead laugh's & interrogates these people that are blood just like yourselves and we help those crooks created laws to keeps these weaker ones separated from our greedy selves and not understanding God has allows us to be different for that one purpose of showing us our own hearts of how filthy we truly are that boasting ourselves of how good we are and perfect and have no need for Him, let your "breath" being taking from you we'll see who you and I will Face! Let the rain falls and tsunamis, Earth quake, fire comes to see what you're doing to do with all that stuff, don't you see? Even the Earth under us are angry, nature that knows that we were supposed to be taking care of our "brothers and sisters" means resemblance, blood lines that migrants from other places, especially when not the same skin color as us or life journeys has given them a different accent, a different lingo then we do, the fact that matters is that, "these weaker ones comes in many different sizes, shapes or form and different characteristics of them all, it's not just that "someone is working or not working 70 or 💯 hours a week to gather food, paper money or whatever, you stored up for yourselves" no it's not about these thing. The weaker ones amongst us are different varieties of people like ourselves that comes from being, "WIDOWS, NEEDY, THE POOR'S, THE ORPHANS, THE FATHERLESS, THE AFFLICTED search as some of our Soldiers fighting in battle and ca no longer work, God give us tem as our task to do and take care off, while God made sure that He gives His talents to many to become rich and have more material accumulating, but He intended in our enjoyments that we are to take good care of those He has allowed also to be weaker or less fortunate amongst us so that we can know what is the true joy of life enjoyment in this evil place we have ended up in because of our mistakes also called"SINS" THAT CAN'T ESCAPED US UNTIL WE'VE LEARNED THOSE MANNERS OF GOD'S WAY THAT HAS LONG AGO MADE AMERICAN'S IN AMERICA GREAT BUT APART FROM THAT WE'RE WASTING OUR TIME NO MATTER OF HOW MANY PEOPLE THAT WE HAVE KILLED TO REDUCED THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE UPON THE EARTH IN ORDER SO WE CAN HAVE GREAT ECONOMIC AGAIN, IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPENED BY OUR SELFISHNESS, GREED AND ARROGANT WAYS. THERE IS One who are much more powerful than the dark wicked one itself and that my friend is the Power of Humbleness & surrendering our own knowing how as human flesh and topped into the connection with God through Jesus He had named the Christ, "who is the Good" & will never end. Human will died by doing good or us letting evil intentions,spirits of selfish thoughts & mindsets controlling us into doing wickedness for the dark side to accumulate a wealth that will never lived even a 💯 or 150 year old to enjoy because our souls will be inquired of us by Him who made it, even if we got to go earlier then intended or a bit later as 💯 years old, we're going including the dark one itself has to face light to bowed down to Light, you never see light bowed down to darkness, "LIGHT" is a MEANING RESEMBLES ONE'S "CHARACTERS" SEARCH AS "GOD" IS LIGHT… DARKNESS IS "EVIL" CHARACTERS OF DOINGS, AND NOT MEANING THE COLOR OF SOMETHING OR SOMEONE AS WE CAN SEE THE "BLACK" IN COLORS IS SO BEAUTIFUL ON THE SURFACE OF ANYTHING "HUMAN BEING OR THINGS" AND JUST LIKEWISE, "PEALED BRIGHT" COLORS AS WELL ARE BEAUTIFUL ON "HUMAN BEING OR ON THINGS" BUT "DARKNESS & LIGHT" IS SPEAKING OF DEEPER ABOUT WAYS, ISSUES & CHARACTER'S OF BEINGS HAVE TAKEN UPON SELF, INDIVIDUALLY & PERSONALLY BUT BOTH HAS THEIR CONSEQUENCES AT THE END WHEN ALL BEEN SAID AND DONE BUT IT'S ALWAYS ONE THAT'S STANDS AT THE END, IT THE GOOD "GOD" IT'S THE LIGHT AND LIGHT IS "HOPE" IT'S LIVING, EVEN ALL THINGS MUST FINISHED EVEN ACCUMULATED WEALTH BUT WITH HOPE, WITH LIGHT, WITH GOOD WHO IS (GOD) WE CAN ALWAYS REBUILD BUT DARKNESS, EVIL NEVER SEES THE REASONS WHY TO REBUILD OR CREATED BEAUTIFUL THINGS EVEN IF IT'S GOING TO BE DESTROYED IN ONE DAY, LIGHT WHO IS (GOOD, GOD) IS ALWAYS LOVE TO CREATE IT JUST TO LOOK AT THE BEAUTY. SO WHICH ONE ARE YOU? ACCUMULATING & NOT SHARING IS AN ABOMINATION TO GOD CAUSE HE WANTS FOR ALL TO HAVE EVEN WITH THE ENOUGH OF SOMEONE ELSE HE HAS MADE STRONGER OR GIVEN THEM THE IDEA FIRST TO PRODUCED SOMETHING, BUT IT'S NOT ALWAYS FOR OUR OWN ELVES, AND WE HAVE TO HAVE THE FEAR OF GOD IN ORDER TO KNOW THIS THE "IS A HEALTH FEAROF HIM NOT A BAD FEAR OF DARKNESS THAT MADE ONES SUFFERING & TREMBLED FOR THEIR LIVES BUT THE "FEAR" OF GOD, RATHER A LOVE FOR KNOWING "GOOD" FOR KNOWING GOOD THINGS OR GOOD KNOWLEDGE & GOOD WISDOM & NOT EVER WANT TO SEE THAT RAN AWAY OR BEING TAKEN FROM YOU OR ANYBODY OR HAVING THAT GOOD TO BE TAKEN FROM SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING, SO YOU DO ALL IN THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THAT YOU OR ONE'S SUPPOSED TO DO TO KEEP THE GOOD THINGS AROUND, GOOD PRESENCE, SUCH AS PROTECTING THE SEA BY NOT THROWING TRASH IN IT SO THE BEINGS IN IT DOESN'T GO EXTENT, THE FISHES, SHIMPS DOESN'T DIMINISHED, WE DO SO BECAUSE OF RESPECT, SO THE "FEAR" OF GOD IS AS SAYING "RESPECT" THE FEAR OF GOD, TO "FEAR GOD" IS TO HAVE RESPECT FOR HIM BECAUSE OF WHOM "HE IS, HE'S BEEN, HIS BEING & ALWAYS WILL BE," I SEE THAT "MANY PEOPLE" OF THIS LAND, IN THE LAND DOES N O T UNDERSTAND, WE HAVE MISSED INTERPRETED, AND CAUSES THE LAND TO BE WITHOUT GOD & WE ARE NOW ON THE EDGE OF DESTRUCTION'S BECAUSE "WE" AS "THE PEOPLE" THAT HE HAVE MADE & GIVE US ACCESS ABILITIES TO CREATES GOODS, & PASSING RIGHTEOUS LAWS THAT WOULD BE BENEFICIAL TO ALL, RICH OR POOR FOR THE LITTLE TIME WE HAVE GIVEN TO LIVE HERE TEMPORARY BUT WE'RE NOT USING THE ACCESS IN FAIRNESS TO ALL BUT A ONLY ONESELVES & WE REFUSE TO ACQUIRER OF HIS PRESENCE, INDIVIDUALLY OR AS A CORPORATE NATION, THEREFORE ALL THIS CALAMITIES ARE COMING TO OVERTAKEN US, & THE WEALTH WE'VE BEEN ACCUMULATING WILL HAVE TO BE TAKEN BY FORCED BECAUSE WE WILL NOT LIVE LONG ENOUGH TIME TO SEE IT, THIS IS WHAT THE SPIRIT OF "LIGHT, GOOD, HOPE (GOD)" HAS TO TELL US, THAT IS STILL BREATHING WHILE WE ARE HERE NOW FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. WHO WILL YOU STAND UP FOR GREED'S OR JUST BE GRATEFUL TO BE THE ONE THAT'S BEEN UNTRUSTED WITH THE DISTRIBUTIONS FOR GOOD CAUSES! WHO ARE YOU GOING TO STANDS FOR? I SEE FOR THIS ELECTION, EVEN IF NEITHER ONE GOT IT TOGETHER, BUT ONE OF THEM IS NOT STANDING FOR HIS OWN CAUSES OF SELF ACCUMULATING MATERIAL THINGS THAT SOON GOING TO PERISHED & TURNED INTO DUST, IF IT'S NOT TO TAKE CARE OF OTHERS, THEN WHERE ARE WE GOING WITH IT BECAUSE DEATH ONLY WANT ONE THING IT, THE NAKED FLESH AND GOD WANTS THE SOUL FOR FINAL JUDGEMENTS OF OUR CHARACTERS OF WHAT WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED WITH WHAT WAS UNTRUSTED IN OUR HANDS WHILE WE BEING IN THE FLESH, SO WHAT ARE YOU & WHAT AM I GOING TO BRING, WHAT REPORT WILL BE SEEN OF YOU AND I? … AMERICAN'S, RESIDENTS OR VISITERS LIVING IN AMERICA, WE NEED TO WAKE UP FROM OUR DEEP SLEEPS OF OUR GLUTENS BEFORE IT TOO LATE! FOR US & OUR LITTLE CHILDREN & THOSE WE TEACHES LOOKING UP TO US. WE DO NEED A DOSAGE OF WAKE-UP VACCINES BETTER THAN THE CORONAVIRUS VACCINES WE'RE TRYING TO COME UP WITH, BECAUSE THE DISEASES OF MANKIND IS NOT IN ANY VACCINES THAT CAN BE MADE BY MEN HANDS THAT WE NEED. MADE WE GET TO FACED OURSELVES INDIVIDUALLY BEFORE WE BE FACED BY GOD WHO HAS GIVEN US THE MODEL OF THE WAY TO LIVE IN THE LAND IN ORDER FOR US AS A NATION, TO BE SUCCESSFUL.

  5. Hello guys if you want to get your ex back, there is a very powerful man that can help you get your ex back, she helped me get my ex back in 4 days,,,,,,,

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  6. It's weird how Trump ads doesn't MOSTLY talk about health care and Joe Biden he talks a lot of health care. /COVID-19🦠😷.

    And I think Joe Biden wins for this one. 🏆💪 . Joe Biden has Perfect Explanation. 😁👌

  7. China joe I want my FAIR SHARE of that China Money and the 10% the ccp gave you of that China company. Of course I'll give "the Big Guy " a 50% kickback for your wallet so let me know I'll be with hunter smoking crack with the human traffickers. I think I can help you a lot with your run for president so think it over.


  9. Trump needs to understand that he lost the US election and he needs to accept it instead he is acting like a two year old child. At this point, he is undermining the government and obstructing the government. He has done nothing with this virus and no wonder the numbers are so high. I'm so glad that my leader has done everything they could to protect us.

  10. I'm dual US Brit citizen…. Socialist medicine – right now their are no hospital beds you get I'll doctors are unable to treat…. Bring that to the USA madness. Let 11 million more in as Biden wants we will swing to socialism.

  11. “Let’s go hand in hand with economy and peace. We support the present and future of the global village where the world is together. Also! I think [Economic Harmony] and [Peace of Love] will become the world’s energy culture. 🌍 🌈 🇺 🇳 💞 🌎 🌈 🎄 ♻️ 💖 🌏."

  12. Meel markaad iiqaadaan ee bankiyada caalamigii itaageerayaan anaa labixi halkan waxba kama qaadan karo cid icaawinaysi majiro waxaba la ileeyahay cida aad raacday hakuu saarto ameerika way iga dheertahay anaga naraac hadaan raaco dilmo ayaa ii diyaar ah

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