Best Way To Lose Belly Fat | Cardio A Waste Of Time | Only Sports And Health

How to lose belly fat is a question that I get more common than any other question. This is for a good reason. Fat loss often starts and stops with our abs, our core, our lower belly and once that is lean we know we have reached our goal. This can also be the toughest part of fat loss. Todays question is around the idea that cardio is a waste of time for fat loss.

We must understand two things when it comes to losing body fat. First we must understand how fat is lost and we must also understand how long it will take. For many the frustration sets in once we have lost some weight but see no change in the belly fat or lower abdomen.

The #1 Exercise to lose belly fat (for good) is not a setup, a leg raise or any muscle building movement. Losing belly fat requires an exercise that we can perform with consistency, which allows us to recover, does not cause us to over eat and keeps fat loss moving.

How much cardio should we be doing to lose belly fat, that is not the right question.

What is the perfect diet for losing belly fat, there is no perfect diet for everyone.

Let me explain the best way to lose belly fat and that cardio can be a waste of time if you are doing it wrong!

30 thoughts on “Best Way To Lose Belly Fat | Cardio A Waste Of Time | Only Sports And Health

  1. This is exactly what I did. Inclined walking with rucksack or weighted vest is already an intense cardio exercise. Nowadays I incline walk using threadmill as cardio & at the same time as warmup. Then do band-assisted pullups/chinups, and finally reverse crunches using a machine. I alternate pullups/chinups day and decline pushups day. About 4 days weekly using this set-up. Finally, twice a week of pure cardio via nordic style walking in the mountains. I find this sustainable because this does not trigger my hunger pangs and I don't feel so tired.

  2. I guess people do not want to make it because everyone is looking for instant-ratification.
    I lost more than 40 lbs by walking and running. Walk 25k steps (about 8 miles if you can daily and no breaks so 7 days a week) but makes sure you split it across the day in 3 stages so you can push your body (while fasting) ⅓ and then ⅓ in the afternoon and ⅓ before going to bed. Make squats (target 500 during the walk) and while walking, make sure you take breaths through your nose relaxing your belling and make a consistent effort in breathing out by compressing your abs as hard as you can. It will feel you are burning alive.
    Eat once a day (between 2 and 4 pm) and snack before going to bed (before 9am). Weight will drop like crazy and you will think that something is wrong because it was that easy.
    Start incorporating Planks, Pushups, Pull-ups, Dips and abs to complement.
    Do it for 3 months and you will be healthy like when you were young and more endurance. Forget about anything else and just do that.

  3. Don't have time to finish this video at the moment.. but I've seen a video where they did cat scans of cross sections of someone's body, slices of the person to show visceral fat in the body. They showed people who do marathons often still had plenty of visceral fat deep inside their body. Then they scanned a very muscular sprinter. It was like looking at a hunk of beef that was 99% lean. All the way through to his spine. It was insane. He had almost no visceral or subcutaneous fat whatsoever. They then said the best and only good ways to burn visceral fat, was to do things like sprints… lol. So idk i feel like, if they've proven that .. , that only extreme exercise burns visceral, then we should do hard hard strength training with little to no breaks, sprints or b.a.t.s work outs. (Body at top speed) can you burn and lose fat by eating less and doing steady state cardio? Of course. It's just not as efficacious.

  4. Go to animal shelter, adopt 2 large dogs =3x day serious walking, jogging if dog is older than 2, if you buy Frisbee, balls, youll get exercise!!! And be loved! Impossible to be couch potato with big dogs. Joggers ,adopt greyhounds!! Theyll put run you! Bodybuilders get mastiff, Rottweilers! Put a harness on them, theyll RUN you!!

  5. I add intensity to walks by a soundtrack. This list of songs makes me walk faster and not slack by keeping my steps up with the beat. I'm 57 so my best songs from my time on this playlist are MARRS " Pump Up the Volume " Extended for 11:38 minutes and Pretty in Poison " Catch Me I'm Falling " Extended for 7:08. I also add Snap's " I got the Power" and Technotronic "Pump the Jam". Works great

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