❣️Top 7 Foods that Unclog Arteries Naturally and Prevent Heart Attack | Only Sports And Health

These 7 foods unclog arteries naturally & prevent heart attack. ❣️5-Second Trick Lowers Blood Pressure & Cleans Out Your Arteries 👉
✅ 3-Ingredient recipe to clean your arteries:

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A diet high in junk food and sugar can be destructive to your cardiovascular health. You may have heard about how cholesterol can accumulate in your arteries and put unnecessary strain on your heart. Most people rely on blood thinners and other medications prescribed by their dr to combat the effects of high cholesterol, but why not eat heart healthy foods that may prevent and support your body’s ability to unclog arteries without medication?

See studies related to how to →

Top 13 Foods high in B Vitamins
Some of the best foods high in B vitamins include salmon, trout, leafy greens like spinach, liver and organ meats, eggs, milk, beef, oysters, clams, and mussels, legumes like beans and peas, chicken and yogurt.

Top 10 Foods high in L-Arginine
Some of the best foods high in L-Arginine include turkey, pork loin, chicken, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, peanuts, spirulina, dairy, chickpeas and lentils.

Topics covered in this video:
– heart disease, coronary artery disease
– high blood pressure
– arteriosclerosis

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Today, we’ll take a look at 7 of the best foods that unclog your arteries.

These foods that unclog arteries naturally have been proven by scientific studies to reduce, and even reverse the build up of plaque.

Have you heard of the word “atherosclerosis”?

It refers to the hardening of your arteries due to a buildup of plaque.

Plaque is essentially a combination of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin – a protein in the blood that helps with clotting.

When plaque clogs up your arteries, you are at risk for having a heart attack or stroke.

The good news is, atherosclerosis is preventable, and even reversible in some cases.

To learn how, watch the video until the very end.

Intro – 00:00
Garlic – 01:53
Pomegranate – 02:25
Kimchi – 03:06
Sesame Seeds – 04:00
Turmeric – 05:12
B Vitamins – 06:03
L-Arginine – 07:21

If you wish to learn more about foods that can clear arteries naturally, see link in comments.
Medical Disclaimer→


35 thoughts on “❣️Top 7 Foods that Unclog Arteries Naturally and Prevent Heart Attack | Only Sports And Health

  1. Only possible if you avoid feasting on sugar, processed food and seed oils, otherwise you can eat all the so-called top 7 foods you want and still develope heart disease as well as other health issues. You have to stop living on the bad stuff. There are no super/miracle foods you can add to a bad diet.

  2. This video is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to take proactive steps towards heart health. It's incredible to learn about the power of nutrition in keeping our arteries clear and our hearts strong.
    Recently I have come across Planet Ayurveda. Their dedication to herbal remedies and Ayurvedic principles is truly recommendable. They offer a wide range of products that can complement a heart-healthy diet, providing a holistic approach to maintaining cardiovascular well-being.

  3. This video did a fantastic job explaining the risks of clogged arteries. There are natural methods to support heart health, including diet and exercise tips specifically aimed at preventing heart attacks and strokes. Prevention is key.

  4. Great content if I eat the recommended foods, my digestion is good. My energy is good I generally feel good

    This seems to happen to me, but others don’t have this happen, so don’t rely on my experience:

    but if I start having a lot of sugar and trans and fried foods but the opposite I’m tired also, one tail sign a bad eating I have is it my bowel movements washed out, looking and have a very disagreeable odor, they become so strong that I can smell them in my garage five minutes after I defecate and hard to flush too,
    That goes away every time when I eat better
    So maybe the nose is a clue to how your arteries are doing

  5. I am 37 and already have Ischemia, a heart disease. I am taking TMZ anti angina medicine, losartan, amlodipine, clopidogrel ans carvedilol for a month now. I hope i can stop feom taking the medicines because I am gwtting tired of them already. Inhave insomnia too and working graveyard shift 😢😢 I only hope I can live a little bit longer. Will try to take your suggestions hoping to be better soon in a very natural way.

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