7 BEST Weight Loss Tips (For Men Over 50) | Only Sports And Health

Weight loss for older men is hard! Follow the 7 best weight loss tips for men over 50!
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What does it take to lose weight and keep it off once you hit 50 years old? Learn how to lose weight while busy by following these 7 men’s health and weight loss tips. These tips will help with weight loss for dads on a busy schedule.

7 Weight Loss Tips For Men Over 50:
#1 (2:03) SLEEP – Get 7 hours of quality sleep each night

#2 (3:24) MEAL TIMING – Develop a meal plan that fits into your schedule
#3 (5:51) WATER INTAKE – (Your weight x 0.5) = oz. of water per day
#4 (7:14) DAILY ACTIVITY – Get your body moving! You don’t need to be doing rigorous exercise, but you need to be active.
#5 (8:59) MRT WORKOUTS – Combine cardio, strength training, and flexibility into one quick 24min workout to boost your metabolism.
#6 (10:28) SMART SUPPLEMENTATION – We recommend a quality probiotic, multivitamins, fish oil, Vitamin D3, and a quality protein powder
#7 (11:33) MINDSET – Find your source of motivation that will keep you on track

If you feel your lifestyle could use an improvement, then check out our FF30X 30-Day Transformation Program at →
If you want to start putting on muscle TODAY, check out our Fit Father Old School Muscle Building Program at →

Your friends here at the FFP,

-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men’s Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project

P.S. For more great workouts, fat loss, and muscle building tips for busy fathers, *SUBSCRIBE* to our channel here →

**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.

49 thoughts on “7 BEST Weight Loss Tips (For Men Over 50) | Only Sports And Health

  1. My sleep is very messed up. I wake up at least 3x/night to urinate. My blood sugar counts are low, so no diabetes issues. I do drink some water close to bedtime but not much, and certainly not enough to justify going 3-4x/night. Prostrate issues? I do take saw palmetto nearly every day.

  2. Setting ''losing fat'' as a goal is a great mistake. . The real target should be having a healthy and happy lifestyle. Losing fat and building muscle will come as a side effect of this. At least this is how it worked for me. 50+ and I can say that I am in the best shape (physically and mentally) of my life. I wish I could care about this a long time ago, when I was younger.

  3. 56 year old veteran with twenty-five years of service here. I believe everyone is different and what works for one person doesn't work for others. Sleep, I agree sleep is one of the most important aspects to healthy long life, but it isn't as easy as just saying you need to get more sleep. After so many years of seeing and doing stuff that no one should ever have to see or do, sleep doesn't come easy and good restful sleep is impossible. I seen three different sleep specialists, non of them knew their ass from a hole in the ground. The medical profession for the most part is a complete joke, the answer to everything is treat the symptom with a freaking pill. 9 years into my retirement I had enough of doctors, pills and the BS and started doing research on my own and today I am 100% Rx free, healthy and get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. I don't drink, do drugs legally or illegally. I switched to a whole food plant-based diet and it changed my life. High blood pressure, gone, high cholesterol gone, the 3 or 4 migraines I suffered with for 28 years have gone, pain in all my joints gone, skin and digestion issues gone, even my eye sight improved.

  4. thank you …I am sorry you lost your father ..I am 59 and will follow your advice..the best we can do is to present ourselves in good health to our kids and grand-kids…peace.

  5. I am looking for a plan to help my dad lose weight. I know he gained his weight because he spends all his time working to give me a better life which lead to bad eating habits but my mom and other familiy members have tried to help him but he keeps pushing us away and refuses to accept our help. I am doing extensive research and I hope I can convince him to get a better life style. Any tips on how to have this conversation with him? I am really scare to push him away

  6. Don’t schedule your workout according to your daily schedule, schedule your daily schedule according to your workout. And as it has been said before, you cannot out train a bad diet.

  7. Yea, skip all this non-sense. The real answer is intermittent fasting. Consume all your calories in a single 6-8 hour window throughout the day and then consume nothing except water for the rest of the time. The weight will just fall off.

  8. I'm 55 and here is how you do it.
    Give up eating !!!…lol. No but seriously you can NOT keep eating a regular sized breakfast lunch and dinner like you did in your younger years. You are not moving as much, your metabolism has slowed AND portions have gotten larger. …..AND…do weight training. ALSO get your testosterone levels checked. If you are low on T you not only WONT be able to lose the weight, you won't have the motivation to even try. Even doing weight training I don't eat like I did when I was younger.
    TV has taught us that a growling stomach is bad and we feel bad believing it. Reverse that thinking.

  9. my decision to lose weight was exactly as you said, I want to see my small daughter grown up, marry, have a family and I want to be healthy there for her! I'm 35 years old and I was 122 Kg, now 96kg and still missing another 15 kgs to lose till June. I stop smoking and drinking, I'm drinking 2,5 – 3 liters of water daily and I managed to sleep a bit more (around 5-6 hrs per night, instead 3-4 hours)… I still need to work on my sleeping tho and also exercise more cause I was just doing walks. Now I think is time for starting muscle building on GYM as I don't feel as much pain as it was before ( back, legs, joints). Keep up everyone who is doing the same mission! Even if fall, heads up, stand up again and keep doing what is best for you! I want to Live 80+ and I hope I still got this chance!

  10. Looking for something doable and practical…this is not it. 20 to 30 oz water first thing in the morning? I can't think of anything that would make me puke my guts out faster. Other than that, a little bit of walking and eat fish or meals that take 2 to 3 hours for any normal person to actually prepare. Come on. When is somebody going to put something practical and doable up?

  11. Im an 59 year old guy and ive lost 10lbs in a month by halving the size of my main meals and fillling the empty space on the plate with a huge pile of mashed carrots. Simples.
    I havent even reduced my copious beer consumption and no side effects like wind or sloppy toilet trips.
    Try it!

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