10 Outdated Weight Loss Tips You Should NOT Be Doing in 2023 | Please STOP Doing These… | Only Sports And Health

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Today, I’m sharing 10 extremely outdated weight loss tips that haven’t aged well. These tips don’t work and could actually be working AGAINST your weight loss goals.

Matcha Latte Recipe:








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0:00 Intro
0:23 Eat Every 2 Hours
1:21 Eat Low Fat Food
2:08 Drink A Lot Of Water
2:47 Use Sugar Alternatives
3:48 Sponsor
4:50 Eat Salad
5:27 Do A Lot Of Cardio
6:08 Eat Less Before A Treat
6:36 Use A Smaller Plate
7:14 Cut Out Dairy
8:14 Eat Diuretic Foods

Disclaimer: This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a nutritionist-client relationship between Autumn Bates and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician, Nutritionist or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Autumn Elle Nutrition Inc. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.

25 thoughts on “10 Outdated Weight Loss Tips You Should NOT Be Doing in 2023 | Please STOP Doing These… | Only Sports And Health

  1. I can appreciate your degree and the time you put into it, but I actually lost weight eating 6 small meals a day rather than eating 3 times a day. Another thing is that I tend to get full with a smaller intake than most people. So, I tend to use smaller plates to avoid over eating.
    Mind you, I am just saying these are my personal experiences and habits, and that I would never tell someone that it will for a fact work for them too. I just know how my body is.

  2. I have been under weight for years. My sr told me to eat a little every few hrs. That is to gain weight though. I always wondered why people thought this would help to lose weight.

  3. You can calculate the amount of water you need in a day and most people hover around the 2 litre mark. But what people completely miss is that at least half of that already comes from the food you ingest. So you don't want to drink 2 litres outright in this scenario. People just don't understand how the body works

  4. Hydration is important. But I was struggling with actual weight and bloat etc. Id weigh myself at home and it’s not awful, my dr appointment I’m what? How do I weigh this much this can’t be right?
    went a couple of days and just wasn’t thinking about lugging that gallon jug of water around with me and realized how much water weights… in or out of your body.
    So I drink water, but I don’t bloat myself into a lake Kelley with it every hour. Lol

  5. When I get a craving for high carb sweets I pop open a monster ultra,
    Next to no calories and kills my craving. I try to nurse it with just a sip every ten or fifteen minutes.
    The interesting thing is after doing this for a couple of weeks, even if I do break down and buy the candy bar that I do craved, I don’t find it all that sweet and tasty when compared with my monster drinks.
    After a while I stopped buying random sweets and just give myself a monster kick when I need it….

  6. I am so frustrated, I am seeing a certified clinical nutritionist in my area and she recently told me to cut my carbs to under 50 a day and my calorie intake is 1200 cal a day with 4 days 1 hour or more in the gym, I am also supposed to eat every 2-3 hours and drink 92oz of water a day, which is making me pee so much I can't sleep. now my blood pressure was low this week and I feel like crap 110/53
    So she put me back up to 70 carbs, but I was gaining weight on that before. It's so frustrating

  7. I love cardio. I will always do cardio as often as I feel. The "outdated" whatever…just you do you. If a person wants to or not whatever…get the knowledge and go ftom there. I'm sure not gonna feel guilty about going for a jog, whether 2 or 5 times a week.

    Eating every 2 hours…when was that? I don't remember

  8. Many years ago, I tried just about every single one of these.
    I still do get low-fat options of some things if it's going to be put onto another food that could rapidly turn into a calorie bomb.
    I swear by artificial sweeteners over regular sugar. And most studies casting doubt on them are poorly modeled and actually are sponsored by the sugar industry…which doesn't automatically mean it's bullshit, but you should add a layer of scrutiny.
    Many apologies as I know it's one of your things, intermittent fasting was the absolute worst weight loss trend I ever tried. Granted I tried it over 10 years ago so maybe there have since been refinements since then. But there was no other diet tip I tried where I rebounded and packed on weight faster than when I tried intermittent fasting for a year.

    When I did finally find something that worked, I focused on higher protein. Especially choosing things that had higher protein alternatives. Getting most of any sugar cravings from low calorie dense fruits like strawberries or watermelon. You can literally never eat so much watermelon that you'll put on weight. It will stuff you before you get close to 500 calories.
    Fiber intake doubled helped a ton too. I was not eating nearly enough. Getting that on point really helped with weight and cholesterol numbers.
    Finally, calorie tracking. Strict at first just to visualize what I was eating and all that. Once I got a good idea of what I was consuming, I only really look up foods I haven't encountered.

    The biggest tip is working out (cardio and weights) 2 hours a day, 5 days a week. I went from 400 lbs and 40-ish% bodyfat to 238 lbs at 12% bodyfat.
    It's a lot easier to fix occasional food slip-ups when you have your basal metabolic rate amped through the roof.

  9. I've been watching your videos on and off for awhile now but this is the first time I've commented. I really enjoy your content and I really like your reasonable, balanced, science-based info that also seems to agree with basic common sense. Thank you, and congrats on the baby coming!

  10. FYI: Your link still works for the 50% off, I just used it. I've been wanting to try matcha so I figured why not. 😉

    I want to thank you for your channel, I had an epiphany recently. I haven't always been overweight, I'm 52 now but when I was younger I was a nationally ranked athlete in my sport, I was always a healthy weight. That changed after college when "work life" kicked in. I stopped being active, weight started creeping on, I was eating to stay awake and I had changed how I ate because experts told me I needed to do all the things in this list. Yet my weight ballooned. For almost 20 years I resigned myself to the fact that I was "unlucky" or that I ruined my life and it was game over, just accept your fate. But here's the thing (and the epiphany that I had): when I was healthy I was exhibiting the behaviors you've been talking about in your videos. I naturally was never hungry until lunchtime so I only ate lunch and dinner, I only snacked if I was actively training but that makes sense because I was super active, I walked or biked EVERYWHERE, I was getting tons of sleep, my stress was low. Like, mindblown. My parents cooked healthy meals for us, pizza and soda was a fridays-only treat.

    I just hope I can find the courage to walk away from programs like weight watchers and do this on my own. I feel like I'm getting there. I gotta say, their points system is super handy to just keep myself in check to make sure I'm eating enough during 2MAD. I worry it's become a crutch. I want this "life reset" to be the last time I have to lose weight because I want to hopefully undo some of the damage I've done and extend the quality of my life as I age. Plus, I want to compete in my sport again! Apparently old farts like me still compete, game on!

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